期刊歸檔用於 2020年10月


Alligator Red Eyes - Tapetum Lucidum

Shining the spotlight from the bow of our john boat, shining specks materialized across the inky black waters within the searching beams of light. Although invisible with the unaided eye, the glowing red eyes revealed dozens upon dozens of alligators in the lake surrounding our boat. By pursuing the glowing eyes, we were there to capture, tag and release as many gators as we could that night. It was on that 1995 trip our ecology professor taught us the details of the tapetum lucidum.

Okefenokee Swamp Alligator Glowing Eyes
© Photographer: William Wise | iNat Observation: 29933513

Many animals have a reflective membrane in the eyes called the tapetum lucidum, which aids in night vision. The crystals in this incredibly designed membrane take the low light coming in through the eye and reflect it, thereby multiplying the amount of light passing through the retina. Built in night vision!

That same tapetum lucidum is what causes that annoying “red eye” in your indoor flash photographs of family and friends. But while in the Okefenokee, instead of spending post-production time on “red eye reduction," I used it to my advantage. As a gator passed by at dusk, I set my camera for a decent nighttime exposure. And even though it was two far for my flash to fill the scene with light, I used just enough flash to cause intentional “red eye” on the alligator, thus producing an eerie, dragon-like appearance in the photograph.

~ Do you love alligators? Follow the Okefenokee Photography blog blog to learn and see more about the alligators of the Okefenokee Swamp in Georgia. Thanks! William

由使用者 williamwisephoto williamwisephoto2020年10月31日 11:33 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論
