期刊歸檔用於 2018年12 月


Freshwater emphasis

If it's OK with everyone contributing I'd like to stick to recording the native freshwater species and avoid invasives or the marine environment. Please avoid disturbing live mussels which are firmly in place and not roaming about when you encounter them. Our research indicated that survival was reduced by as much as 60% when adult mussels were disturbed from most substrates. Dead shells are fine. The main threats to our freshwater taxa are from impoundments (limiting the migration of glochidial host fish species), dredging, excessive extraction, and pollution, but so far not from invasive species as evident in the US/Canada. In Australia we no longer navigate our freshwater streams with water-ballasted cargo vessels from overseas freshwater lakes etc and that particular threat is hopefully unlikely. If someone wants to start a Marine Project I will help all I can. Declining Hyriids in Australia are the focus of this Project. Thanks for your input. Regards, Chris.

由使用者 rushecology rushecology2018年12月11日 06:26 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論
