Bioblitz Warren Woods (April 28th, 2018)的日誌

期刊歸檔用於 2018年4月


Bioblitz Warren Woods with us!

Hey! You're tagged in this post because you've made iNat observations within a 30 mile radius of Warren Woods State Park within the past 2 years.

The Chicago Wilderness region is participating in the City Nature Challenge 2018 ( The CNC is a friendly competition between dozens of urban regions worldwide during the 96 hours between April 27-30th, 2018, to see who can make the most observations of nature, find the most species, and get the most people participating! Lots of events are going on that weekend in the region, including a mini bioblitz at Warren Woods State park on Saturday, April 28th from 10AM to 1PM (EDT). Join us on a ramble through Warren Woods as we document plants, animals, fungi, and other creatures.

Check out for a full listing of regional events during this year's City Nature Challenge.

Meeting location: at 10AM EDT on Saturday, April 28th.

@aabarca18 @adam_b @adsweet @akapapula18 @andre_moncrieff @andrewstpaul @angie22 @austinb @austinm @balfour @ballardh @beautifulbirds @benbecker23 @billsinclair @birdtrekker @bouteloua @brendandcarson @briannalee23 @brooklynfontana @byzantinenature @camelcreek @carolt-80 @carterobrien @caseyaceae @caseyzill @charles_lpa @chicago39 @cjoll @ckruger18 @cqlanus @cwarneke @davidkeyes @dgammonl @dlcarterksu @dlory @dowenjocson @eattaway92 @elfaulkner @emmess @eriksriubas @gabrielle23 @gina31 @gonzdan @hall @heelsplitter @hxqajcw @irmela @jackassgardener @jamesgowld @janebaldwin @jennproud @jmcnabnay @johndoty @johngriffee @johnsluc @jokurtz @jonbowman913 @joseph91 @judy46 @katjef @keith65 @kristen22 @kristygarceau @laniarius @leannalynns @lenoreatwood @lgc @libbymegna @ljcoleman @lolson @louisemarion @mark77 @marltrotter @meggs @michigan @michiganwillie @miciah @mifander @missgreen @nashuagoats @nathan20 @nimajnebmai @nolankeyes @oskaralva @paigez99 @paleonut11 @pedro157_chicagowilderness @rgraveolens @robturk @ryan79 @sae46350 @sanguinaria33 @seeslinger @shanin @tamandua2 @tbell @thimbleberrycps @timothyobrien @tonytroche2 @totalbummer @vrosenbluth @znb10536 @zoology123

由使用者 bouteloua bouteloua2018年04月03日 21:39 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論


Thanks for a great day bioblitzing at Warren Woods

Hi! cassi here. You can view all of our observations from our day at Warren Woods here:

I know some folks are still uploading observations, but as of this post, we had 441 observations of 139 different species. Thanks to everyone for coming out! I hope you guys had fun. :) Some of my favorites were:

How about yours?

**due to "geoprivacy" surrounding rare species on iNaturalist, some of the rare, threatened, and endangered species' observations won't show up in the bioblitz results.

由使用者 bouteloua bouteloua2018年04月29日 01:22 所貼文 | 2 評論 | 留下評論
