Observations of the week (13.03.2022 - 20.03.2022)

Hello everyone! This is the fourth "Observations of the Week" post of the Biodiversity of South India Project! This week, we have two observations in second place!
Here they are in order:

  1. A Pale Green Awlet (Bibasis gomata) from Hassan, Karnataka by @sanath_ramesh_manimoole.
    This observation received 4 votes on our WhatsApp group, the highest number!

  2. A cool capture of moth caterpillars along with their eggs from Bangalore, Karnataka by @subbu107.
    This has also been featured as iNaturalist's observation of the day! This observation received 2 votes on our WhatsApp group.

  3. An endangered and endemic Malabar Tree Toad (Pedostibes tuberculosus) from Kerala by @albinayur07.
    Another cool observation with 2 votes, it has also been ranked second!

  4. A moth caterpillar getting parasitized by wasps from the superfamily Chalcidoidae from Kasavanahalli, Karnataka by @csbandi.
    A very nice observation, it received one vote on the group!

Wonderful observations everyone! :)

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