Biodiversity of South India的日誌

期刊歸檔用於 2022年8月


Observations of the week (24.07.2022 - 30.07.2022)

Hello everyone! This is the twenty-second "Observations of the Week" post of the Biodiversity of South India Project!
Here they are in order:

  1. An endangered and endemic Malabar Torrent Toad (Blaira ornata) from Karnataka by @harshaj.
    This observation got 4 votes from our members!

  2. An Australopacifica sp. from Erode, Tamil Nadu by @awayk3n, who is also a group member.
    This observation got 4 votes as well!

  3. An endangered Cryptocarya anamalayana from Tamil Nadu by @srinivasan2.
    This observation got 1 vote!

Wonderful observations everyone! :)

Here's the invite link for the project members who haven't joined the WhatsApp group:

由使用者 samrudhnandagopal samrudhnandagopal2022年08月07日 14:35 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論


Observations of the week (31.07.2022 - 06.08.2022)

Hello everyone! This is the twenty-third "Observations of the Week" post of the Biodiversity of South India Project!
Here they are in order:

  1. A Dead Leaf Spider (Poltys idae) from Agumbe, Karnataka by @rohan_sharma.
    This observation got 4 votes from our members!

  2. A very beautiful Lessert's Rainbow Spider (Stenaelurillus lesserti) from Chennai, Tamil Nadu by @saravanaraja_vicky.
    This observation got 3 votes!

  3. A Phyrnarachne sp. preying on a Calliphorid from Haveri, Karnataka by @shashidharswamyhiremath.
    This observation got 1 vote!

Wonderful observations everyone! :)

Here's the invite link for the project members who haven't joined the WhatsApp group:

由使用者 samrudhnandagopal samrudhnandagopal2022年08月28日 10:12 所貼文 | 1 評論 | 留下評論

Observations of the week (07.08.2022 - 13.08.2022)

Hello everyone! This is the twenty-fourth "Observations of the Week" post of the Biodiversity of South India Project!
Here they are in order:

  1. A very beautiful Cyrba sp. from Mysore, Karnataka by @abhiapc.
    This observation got 6 votes from our members!

  2. A White Lynx Spider (Oxyopes shweta) preying on newly hatched Pentatomids continuously from Mysore, Karnataka by @abhiapc.
    This observation got 1 vote!

  3. A Heavy-bodied Jumper (Hyllus semicupreus) preying on a Trumpet Tail (Acisoma panorpoides) from Bangalore, Karnataka by @praveen_tangirala.
    This observation got 1 vote!

  4. A Nihonhimnea sp. infested by wasp larvae from Bangalore, Karnataka by @ashoksengupta5.
    This observation got 1 vote!

Wonderful observations everyone! :)

Here's the invite link for the project members who haven't joined the WhatsApp group:

由使用者 samrudhnandagopal samrudhnandagopal2022年08月28日 10:22 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論