Biodiversity of the Chihuahuan Desert Nature Park的日誌

期刊歸檔用於 2023年8月


The Asombro Institute

Hello everyone,

This post will be our single mention of fundraising for 2023. As you may know, the Chihuahuan Desert Nature Park is owned and managed by a local non-profit in Las Cruces, The Asombro Institute for Science Education. For the past 30 years, Asombro has invested in the nature park, transforming its 935 acres of desert into a well-maintained public space with trails, interpretive signs, shaded picnic tables, an outdoor amphitheater, restrooms, and community events. They ensure that the park is open and free to enter, 6 days a week, all year long.

Asombro uses this space as part of their mission to bring the wonder of science and the desert to local K-12 students. In addition to developing and delivering classroom lessons in public schools across Las Cruces, they also bring the students outside, to the nature park, to teach them about the desert they live in. In total, they serve more than 22,000 K-12 students and 1,500 adults in New Mexico with hands-on, inquiry-based science education programs each year.

If you've ever enjoyed the quiet solitude of a walk in our protected piece of the Chihuahuan Desert, find value in Asombro's work, or appreciate their efforts with this iNaturalist project, please consider donating to their Back To School fundraiser, running from now until August 26th. Even $5 goes a long way towards supporting the maintenance of the park and Asombro's mission of providing high quality science education to local students, both in the park and in the classroom. If you'd like to help, visit to make a one-time or recurring donation online or by mail. Thank you all!

由使用者 asombro_institute asombro_institute2023年08月02日 18:16 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論