Identifier Training with Thomas Mesaglio - Zoom Tuesday 17 May 1.30-2.30pm

To register:
Thomas will share specialist knowledge/shortcuts on using and identifying on iNat, specially tailored for identifiers, or those that would like more information to become identifiers.
Prerequisites: iNat account, joined Budawang Coast iNat Project, specialist interest/knowledge of particular flora and fauna

由使用者 barv barv2022年05月14日 08:12 所貼文


Another informative session from iNat Curator Thomas, who had more tips and shortcuts to assist you identify on iNat.
Thank you Thomas!!!
Topic: Identifying on iNaturalist - Thomas Mesaglio
Date: May 17, 2022
Meeting Recording:
Access Passcode: L@rXGM3B

And here's the link Thomas mentioned

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