Australian Bioblitz Symposium with ACSA - online - Fri 19 August 7:30 –9.00 PM

We have been presenting BioBlitzes in Australia for over a decade now and it’s great to see them becoming ever more popular. Now is a good time to celebrate the unique events we have been part of and some of the amazing results we have seen. This symposium will focus on the shape of recent BioBlitzes and we will discuss what BioBlitzes can offering future – for community and for science.
Co-hosts: Libby Hepburn and Michelle Neil
Presenters: Michelle Neil & Stephen Fricker, BioBlitz creators & leaders; Thomas Mesaglio, iNaturalist app guru; and assorted Great Southern Bioblitz contributors – Casey Kirchhoff on post-bushfire bioblitzes plus contributions from the Australian BioBlitz Group
Follow here for update on how to join

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