City Nature Challenge 2018: Washington, DC metro area的日誌

期刊歸檔用於 2018年7月


The 2019 City Nature Challenge is scheduled for April 26-29, 2019!

Where will YOU be? How can you help the DC metro area make a great showing (or will you represent another city next year)? Maybe your best role is on your own in the field, making observations at an area you know well, or at a new spot you haven't explored before. Or perhaps you can lead an event for other observers. Even if you're out of the area on that weekend, you can help the effort by confirming identifications from afar.

With this much lead time, we have plenty of time to recruit others. Do you know others who might like to hear about iNaturalist and the CNC? There's plenty of time for newcomers to get familiar with the system so that they are power users by next spring. Garden club members, master naturalists, master gardeners, classmates, colleagues, native plant society friends, and birders are just of the few of the communities that may come to mind when you think about who you know who could participate next year. Spread the word!

Remember that there are great resources in the Help section below to help anyone get started--it's not all on you!

由使用者 dbarber dbarber2018年07月28日 14:57 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論