City Nature Challenge 2021: Chicago Metro的日誌


Stay in the loop for CNC 2022: Chicago Metro

The most-faved observation of the 2021 event, a neat form of prairie trillium by @adriansydor.

Previously: in case you missed it, see our CNC 2021 project summary and other journal posts.

Check out our May 18th wrap-up planning meeting notes here.

Regional organizers will be meeting on January 18th, 2022 at 10AM to start planning for the 2022 City Nature Challenge. To be added to our email list, drop your contact info into this form.

Finally, because why not, I already made the 2022 project. Note: the actual dates of the 2022 event are still to be determined! Join up here:

由使用者 bouteloua bouteloua2021年06月14日 12:19 所貼文 | 1 評論 | 留下評論


City Nature Challenge 2021 comes to a close

And that is a wrap! As of midnight last night (Chicago time), the City Nature Challenge 2021 came to a close.

Check out our collective global results here: and keep an eye on the international project's journal for a summary to be posted soon there.

For the Chicago metro area, join a virtual celebration of urban nature tonight at 6PM. Lincoln Park Zoo and other regional conservation organizations will be wrapping up City Nature Challenge 2021 over Zoom. Register here:

Infographic text:
City Nature Challenge 2021: Chicago Metro
Between April 30th and May 3rd, 2021:
over 12,000 observations
over 1,000 observers
over 1,500 species
over 500 identifiers

Animal: red-winged blackbird (Agelaius phoeniceus), photo by @greenoutdoors
Fungus: dryad's saddle (Cerioporus squamosus), photo by @athek0
Plant: prairie trillium (Trillium recurvatum), photo by @marensr

Most surprising:
broad-billed hummingbird (Cynanthus latirostrus)

All photos CC BY-NC, graphic by cassi saari (CC BY)
See everything we found at

Logos: City Nature Challenge 2021, iNaturalist, California Academy of Sciences, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, Chicago Park District, Chicago Wilderness, Budburst: a project of the Chicago Botanic Garden, Shedd Aquarium, Chicago Ornithological Society, Northeast Chapter of the Illinois Native Plant Society

Interested in planning an event or having your organization participate in 2022? Shoot me an email at and I will add you to our organizing email list.

See you next time!

cc: @a_nature_escape @abbyburgos @abhasm @adelattre @adorkableclover @adriansydor @adrien202 @aeko @agnoske @ahappel @ahoule @ajpasma @ajpers123 @ajteslaw @alan_uplc @alderjulius @alewis10 @allen_rosales @alveyaj @amandakrause @amilo_ @amoore217 @anavitek @andeli @andrewweber @angelh @ann438 @apgilmore4 @aprilmwilliams @ariella_d @arothschild @asacerdotevelat @ashland_thomas @ashleywold @astridl @astro46 @athek0 @audreytodd @aviz @bakerdad__grace @balajiathreye @balorenz6 @bbeaird @becausecowfish @benzerante @betti264 @beverly_boens @bhstuede @bjw1862 @bkf @bmarcus @bobdolgan @boilerxi @bouteloua @brandon236 @breanddave @brdnrdr @bridget_kiernan @bz8 @canelasincera @cariseeksnature @carolash12 @carolt-80 @carolynburnham @cartercrmyt @caryaovata @casa_venado @ccano @ccdkeparnell @cesargalan @chalax91 @chartreuse @chase-prairie @chasrued @chayford @chdphoto @cheryllynne @chet17 @chris2273 @chrisg2 @chriskozlak @christinebosacki @christophercochrane @ciaoeden @cindydarnell @cindysam @claudiajdh @clearwater33761 @clsstreett @cmbritter @cmcveigh @cmwest @cndukwe @connie279 @coreybirdman @crwrcwamt @curtispaul @d_coulter @dan58 @danes60 @daniel_washington_gaming_channel @danielpohl @dankasberger @darcy_wood @david1089 @davidr2 @davidrubin @davidtaylor2 @dbild @dbradley1 @dcoldren @debbiermom @dennis_nyberg @deuer24 @dianaezerins @dicot1 @dk_naure @dmoore71 @docta_danger @downbytheriver @dpmarton @drbrown @drees12 @drewlarson @drumneck @dtuerk @dziomber @eagleson @eattaway92 @ebeobservations @eileenapril @ejgejg @ekwebster @ele729 @elfaulkner @elliotgreiner @ellyn7 @emartell @emerald772 @emmay11 @envirosue @epaz07 @ericvargas1 @eriko @erjanes93 @esaperstein @estelle_eke @ewarden @eyesonturtles @fairbanks_ @fiona-anderson @fivemaples20 @floresyanira @foodforthought @franceskane @frankgeilen @franklo_ng @gabrielle_allen @gagepark @gardenhopper @gardenpansy @garosales @gkknipp @gmorrissey001 @greenoutdoors @greensnake879 @gtraj @gtrillion @guru213 @hannahsdad @harknessa @harrypotter9730 @heidi540 @hmsii @horsepuppy @hortusmax @hvwilliams @iarcher @idwarman @iisips @imaginature23 @insfyre @irenejhf @ireneoleksiuk @iris38ze @irmela @j_p3 @jackassgardener @jackiec1234 @jackiemajdov @jaclyn_wegner @janehaller @jason777x @jbhernandez674 @jclark5000 @jdschickel @jdsheneman @jeanw2 @jennifer_james @jennifer_p @jenniferannifer @jessbecker @jessica_lyons1 @jflowers6 @jhamp33 @jhwestwood @jillih @jim-bowhay @jingyilu @jmin1441 @jmmcclo @joegrossmann @joelmc @joeodesign @johannfriedl @johncebula @johnlseale @joness94 @jophophora @josh-farnum @joulenwentletrap @judyb4736 @juliaac2 @juliandragonfly @juliebags @julietazimi @jungrrl @kaarin @kalee5 @kallgeier @kanyinsola_anifowoshe @karen-kreterfield @karen762 @karkin13 @katess @kathrynrose @kayla_calhoun @kcballantyne @kelli_m @kfitz @kgibs720 @khimmler @kimconroy21 @kimikoillinois @kinz917 @kkucera @klrivera55 @kmiecilm @kpineapple @krickles @ks1000 @ksandsman @laceyclarida @lailahrose @lakeclouds111 @lanc3r_1234 @lauramaydaniel @lauren914 @laurenu @lbellmar @leodinh-family @lharden @libatronic @lilphoebe @lilyripper @linda1227 @lindaflack @lindascheiber @lisasowadowns @lisastelter @ljmathos @llkats @lmilkert @lorrieward @lpods @lpoolilil @luceroflores @luis005 @luna89 @lynnjames @m_carnes @m4ttb @madelyn_draftz @maficjustice @mahjoh @maladychanges @mallardil @mallory_goggans @marcwhite @marensr @mariaada @markj5 @marybuzzard @marynell360 @mattburgos @maureenclare @maxanderson @mbeatty233 @mbw1065 @mccannofsoup @mcoulter1335 @mcrook43 @mcullenbailey @mdelira1 @me4e @mediarich @megknapik @melinavila @melissa_orsi @mercedes_biddle @mettcollsuss @mhoffman2017 @micahbowman @micahfreedman @mikejochheim @missgreen @misssarahmya @mizgeo22 @mjdoug4 @mmasell @mmn2204 @molanic @monique_lawson @mountaingoat242 @mpanatera @mplunkett @mrcar00 @mrkollasch @mrostrowski @mrsalyinovich @msmackey @msqazi @munozjaen_ @mushroomphotography @myszka88 @nategreen @naturalistnegin @naturegirl65 @nhershiser @nichard @njcz @nlee @noel_woods @nolan_james @npresperin @nulcheck @oliviaschouten @omnipotentstegosaurus @onthelabel @operasiren @ornithopsis @owlwhisperer @paltek @pamlinge @partspermillion @patjohns @patmcfarla @patriciaahern @paula41 @paulminnihan @paulroots @pfshannon @pietrow1 @pjdubs @pkarlson @pkeiner @plantoks @plunkettb @pobrito @porrridge @poupoumai @psweet @qaftsiel @quartzkeeper @quirker @rachel719 @raedman @ralph54 @randyshonkwiler @rarias83 @rc2022 @rearick1124 @reduviidae @rgraveolens @rheinrichs @richcin73 @rksauers @rmjf95 @robbieehrhardt @robertloerzel @robestan @robhallock @robincottrell @ronela_kothapally @roxannetheyeti @rrm4649 @rselandscape @ruthmetterhausen @ryanfuller @rynxs @salduros @salvadorestrada @sam1087 @samia15 @sanderling23 @sandijustad @sara_614 @sarah_gripshover @sarah3221 @saraha1857 @sarahmariha @sarahsoil @sarinagraff @scampbell0245 @schauerroman @schnumis @schokshi @schultzes @seanahuizenga @seandratroy @sennfarmgirl @sgtelmacky @sharibee @shelly173 @sherrillo @shilohbird @shootingstar5801 @sigridmh @silsilsil @silvershrike @sjacks83 @sjcarton @skflax @skrentnyjeff @skylar13 @snowdropbunni @snowycat230 @sorrelheron @sparemachine @spirtedgardener @ssiddiqi @ssinn @ssng @staceygluchman @stephanie_tanimura @stephpuch @stephsandwich @stevemsack1 @stocksdale @stwichell @suerodenbeck @supaslim @susan1149 @susankirt @susanlmichael @susannebraun @swarthmore @sylver1804 @t_lee05 @taco2000 @taran09 @teajaylore @teamkirsch @teamthompson3 @tessaplants @theamazinadam @thefreys @thejar @thewkey @thiszaria @thomaseverest @threelark @timfelinski0251 @tinkerbelljan12 @tmurphy4 @tofish4 @tom_lazar @tyler_gleason @ula_renetskis @unnecessaryj @vdaven20 @vnevirkov @waguirre @walkingwithacamera @walterpaytonbio @wasilewskie1 @wdstknaturalyard @wendopolis @wendya11 @whimbrelbirder @wildernessbarbie @wildnwild @woodridgejeff @wookieewok @wwwprof @yanni6 @yowzah @zeegee @zombiepack @zzilogy

由使用者 bouteloua bouteloua2021年05月10日 12:10 所貼文 | 8 評論 | 留下評論


Fave your faves

由使用者 bouteloua bouteloua2021年05月09日 15:28 所貼文 | 2 評論 | 留下評論

Species new to the Chicago metro region (on iNaturalist) during CNC 2021

Keep an eye on these links below for any documentations that are a first for the Chicago metro region on iNaturalist in 2021. These aren't necessarily totally newly documented for the region, just the first time they've been added to iNaturalist for the region (still cool!).

You'll often find species on here that are the result of computer vision errors as well as observations that should be marked captive/cultivated. Fixing these helps sort the wheat from the chaff and keeps range maps representative of wild organisms.

I've excluded casual observations here. Everything is split up into observose natural groups and then divided further when those groups have more than 500 taxa in the search results, due to the limitations of iNat's Compare tool.

Broad-billed hummingbird (Cynanthus latirostris) observed by @skrentnyjeff


Coleoptera except Cucujiformia (beetles)

Nematocera (nematoceran flies)

Hemiptera (true bugs)

Zale unilineata (one-lined zale) observed by @astridl

Noctuoidea (owlet moths and friends)

Insects except the groups above and below

Bourletiella hortensis (garden springtail) observed by @thomaseverest

All other animals

Caryophyllales (pinks and friends)

Cymbalaria muralis (ivy-leaved toadflax) observed by @micahbowman

Lamiales (mints and friends)

There were no newly documented species on iNat in the Chicago metro region during CNC 2021 (as of May 8th, 2021) for the following groups of species:

But...check back on these links later as new identifications come in.

由使用者 bouteloua bouteloua2021年05月09日 01:04 所貼文 | 3 評論 | 留下評論


Last day of CNC 2021

Happy last day of the CNC observation period! A bit windy but we lucked out with an early spring and otherwise excellent weather! Today is a little more dreary but still good iNatting weather for most of the day. The 2021 City Nature Challenge observation period ends tonight at midnight (local time) and our collective results will be announced May 10th.

The Chicago metro region project is sitting at over 9000 observations and 900 observers: significantly more participation than previous years.

I've been seeing so many people help out with identification! Interested in dipping your toes in the iNat identification process? Why not try:

A particularly beautiful American robin (Turdus migratorius) observed by @onthelabel in Lake County, Indiana.

由使用者 bouteloua bouteloua2021年05月03日 13:51 所貼文 | 2 評論 | 留下評論


The CNC begins!

Tonight at midnight the 2021 City Nature Challenge begins!

We'll need lots more help with identification than usual, so please head over to the Identify page and chip in if you're able. See some tips on using the Identify page here.

Have fun!

由使用者 bouteloua bouteloua2021年04月30日 01:09 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論


CNC 2021: Chicago Metro Events

See full event details on the CNC Chicago Wilderness webpage

Wednesday, April 21st

12:00PM-1:00PM: Plug into Nature: Introduction to iNaturalist (webinar, Illinois, Cook County)

Friday, April 23rd

7:00PM-8:00PM: Darien Garden Club and Indian Prairie Public Library: Nature in Our Neighborhood - iNaturalist and the City Nature Challenge (webinar, Illinois, DuPage County)

Wednesday, April 28th

7:00PM-8:30PM: Skokie Public Library: Learning about Nature with iNaturalist (webinar, Illinois, Cook County)

Thursday, April 29th

7:00PM-8:00PM: Forest Preserve District of Kane County: City Nature Challenge - Kane County (webinar)

Friday, April 30th

9:00AM-3:30PM: Forest Preserves of Cook County (FPCC): Sagawau Science - City Nature Challenge (bioblitz on your own, Illinois, Cook County)
4:00PM-8:00PM: Late Great Nocturnal Night at North Park Village Nature Center (group event, Illinois, Cook County)
4:00PM: FPCC: City Nature Challenge & Nature Journaling at Killdeer Wetlands (Illinois, Cook County)
6:00PM-7:00PM: Lincoln Park Zoo Virtual Bioblitz - City Nature Challenge 2021 (webinar)
6:30PM: FPCC: City Nature Challenge Sunset Walk at Sand Ridge Nature Center (Illinois, Cook County)

Saturday, May 1st

7:00AM-10:00AM: Chicago Ornithological Society (COS): Indian Ridge Marsh Bird Walk (group hike, Illinois, Cook County)
7:00AM-12:00PM: Illinois Science Council at West Ridge Nature Park (group bioblitz, Illinois, Cook County)
7:30AM-10:00AM: COS: LaBagh Woods Bird Walk (group hike, Illinois, Cook County)
8:00AM-10:00AM: Spring Migration Bird Walk at North Park Village Nature Center (group hike, Illinois, Cook County)
8:00AM-11:00AM: iNatting the Fox (group bioblitz, Illinois, Kane County)
10:00AM-12:00PM: City Nature Challenge at North Park Village Nature Center (group bioblitz, Illinois, Cook County)
10:00AM-2:00PM: Triton College Bioblitz (bioblitz on your own, Illinois, Cook County)
10:00AM-2:00PM: Community Science Day at Skokie Lagoons (group bioblitz, Illinois, Cook County)
12:00PM-3:00PM: Guided Prairie Walk with the Nature Museum (guided hike and bioblitz on your own, Illinois, Cook County)
2:00PM-4:00PM: Illinois Science Council at Northerly Island Natural Area (group bioblitz, Illinois, Cook County)

Sunday, May 2nd

8:00AM-10:00AM OR 10:00AM-12:00PM: COS: Big Marsh Birds and Botany Walk (group hike, Illinois, Cook County)
8:00AM-8:00PM: West Ridge Nature Park Bioblitz (group bioblitz, Illinois, Cook County)
11:00AM-2:00PM: Self-guided Woods Walk (bioblitz on your own, Illinois, Cook County)

Monday, May 3rd


May 3rd - May 9th

Here's a handy link to identify observations throughout the Chicago Metro area. Don't feel up for IDs or want to learn about other ways to get involved? How about annotating flower phenology, welcoming new users to iNaturalist, or adding a "fave" to your favorite observations?

Monday, May 10th

6:00PM-7:00PM: City Nature Challenge 2021 Celebration and Wrap-up (virtual, Zoom Meeting ID: 95243268206 & pw: 565209)

All times are Central unless otherwise indicated.

由使用者 bouteloua bouteloua2021年03月01日 22:06 所貼文 | 4 評論 | 留下評論


Thinking of planning an event for the CNC?

If you or your organization is thinking about holding a related event before, during, or soon after the City Nature Challenge in the Chicago Metro area, please fill out this form - new events are no longer being accepted. Join in next year for the 2022 CNC!

We'll be posting the list of public events on the CNC: Chicago Metro website and this project page.


  • socially distanced bioblitz
  • guided nature hikes
  • iNaturalist workshops/trainings (e.g. for beginners, how to add IDs, educator-focused, or advanced iNat usage)
  • virtual identification party or nature storytelling
  • sharing how your organization or research uses iNat data
  • learning about urban flora and fauna through iNat or Seek
  • urban nature trivia Zoom

We're also having monthly planning meetings on third Tuesdays at 10AM (next one is February 16th). Please reach out to me if you or a colleague might be interested in attending those, or comment below if you have any ideas for the Chicago region's CNC!

cassi / @bouteloua

由使用者 bouteloua bouteloua2021年01月29日 00:22 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論


"iNaturalist and the City Nature Challenge" - Chicago Wilderness Cafe next Thursday, February 4th at Noon

Next week Edward Warden (@ewarden) and I, with help from Taran Lichtenberger (@taran09), Kristin Brock, and Laura Reilly (@lauraxreilly), will doing a quick presentation on iNaturalist and the City Nature Challenge. If you're reading this here, you might not be the intended audience, but perhaps you can help spread the word?

Here's the link to register:

It's not strictly Chicago-specific, so feel free to share more broadly.

thanks! :)
cassi / @bouteloua


iNaturalist and the City Nature Challenge

Chicago Wilderness Cafe - over Zoom! register here
Thursday, February 4th
12PM - 1PM

First, learn about iNaturalist, a community science website, app, and network of people making observations of flora and fauna across the world. Learn how amateurs and professionals alike are sharing their nature observations, getting help with species identification, and using the iNaturalist platform for conservation planning, land management, nature education, monitoring, and research.

Second, see how you or your organization can participate in the City Nature Challenge (CNC) an annual, friendly, bioblitz-style competition between urban areas all around the world, taking place between April 30th and May 3rd, 2021. It began in 2016 between just Los Angeles and San Francisco and has since expanded worldwide, with hundreds of cites expected to participate in 2021. The Challenge aims to engage city residents and visitors in learning about their local nature and to help all of us better understand urban biodiversity. Anyone can take part on their own, assist others with identification, or even organize a bioblitz at a nearby park.

Presenters & Moderators:

  • cassi saari, Project Manager - Natural Areas, Chicago Park District and President, Northeast Chapter of the Illinois Native Plant Society
  • Edward Warden: Conservation Stewardship Coordinator-Shedd Aquarium and President-Chicago Ornithological Society
  • Kristin Brock, Chicago Park District Outdoor & Environmental Education Manager
  • Taran Lichtenberger, Chicago Botanic Garden, Project Budburst
由使用者 bouteloua bouteloua2021年01月28日 23:37 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論


Welcome to the City Nature Challenge 2021: Chicago Metro!

What is the City Nature Challenge?

The City Nature Challenge (CNC) is an annual, friendly, bioblitz-style competition between urban areas all around the world. It began in 2016 between just Los Angeles and San Francisco and has since expanded worldwide, with hundreds of cites expected to participate in 2021. The Challenge aims to engage city residents and visitors in learning about their local nature and to help all of us better understand urban biodiversity. Anyone can take part. Just upload observations of animals, plants, fungi, and other creatures to iNaturalist using the mobile app or website. It’s a fun and easy way to learn about nature in your neighborhood while simultaneously adding your observations of nature to iNaturalist's global biodiversity database. The official website is


Everyone makes their nature observations between Friday, April 30th and Monday, May 3rd, 2021 (midnight to midnight). Then, everyone has until day's end on May 9th to upload those observations and add IDs to each other's observations. Results are announced on Monday, May 10th.

Since April 2021 is eons away, join this project and you'll get dashboard notifications on iNat when there are project updates.


The following counties are included:

  • Illinois: Cook, DuPage, Grundy, Kane, Kankakee, Kendall, Lake, McHenry, Will
  • Indiana: Jasper, Lake, Newton, Porter
  • Wisconsin: Kenosha

In previous years we've used the boundary of just Cook County, or just Cook + a few collar counties, or the entire Chicago Wilderness region. We do like the idea of not using political boundaries and following the hydrologic regions defined in the Chicago Wilderness boundary, but it's far easier to understand if your area falls within the project if we use county boundaries, and calculating some stats like observations made per capita are easier too. So we've gone with a slight modification of the Chicago-Naperville-Elgin, IL-IN-WI Metropolitan Statistical Area.

How can I participate?

There are a lot of ways!

  • log observations on iNaturalist using the app or website between April 30th-May 1st, 2021
  • help other folks identify their observations
  • attend an event during the CNC
  • organize an event before, during, or after the CNC - we'll have a big list of events that are planned all around the region
  • incorporate the use of iNaturalist into your existing activities, whether as an educator, during a habitat restoration workday, or when your aunt tells you about the flying squirrels visiting her bird feeder
  • promote the CNC/iNaturalist among your audiences
  • ?

Would you like to join our regional organizing team, promote your Chicago area CNC events, or just learn more about the City Nature Challenge 2021: Chicago Metro? Contact cassi.saari [at] for more information.

由使用者 bouteloua bouteloua2020年10月28日 20:38 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論
