City Nature Challenge Species Checklist

Hello all!

Last night at our meeting, one of the things we talked about was creating a species checklist to allow people to prioritize different locations within our City Nature Challenge. The link below will take you to a Google Sheet that you all should be able to populate with different species, as well as columns for who first observed them and the date on which they were observed. In addition to trying to collect as many total observations as possible, we want to try and observe as many different species as possible!

@anna120 @rdegeer @mmoerdyk @thecaiman1 @wonderful_world @sammoer4 @rbdllama @dwightbaker @shrontzilla @joshdyer1 @coopermike @greathorn @cdoe @matttryc @valerie112 @trtgers @acanthusmxmli @mettcollsuss @s_atkinson @sarasyswerda @juliakmil @michiganne6 @delbachert @cjkrueger @gdwyer @eehinger @tyrannus1 @ovanantw @ian_pope @wmich_birding @izokait @mizamykins @mightyherpules

由使用者 trav_kurtz trav_kurtz2024年02月06日 14:30 所貼文


Okay, one quick note:

It would appear that based on our organizational settings I cannot make it so that anyone with a link can edit the sheet. All that means is that you will each have to request access to be an editor, and I will try to tend to those requests as quickly as I can when I get them.

發佈由 trav_kurtz 3 個月 前

Are the species on this sheet the most important? Or any species found in West MI?

發佈由 anna120 3 個月 前

Any species found in west Michigan. One of the things that the City Nature Challenge tracks is how many species are found in each challenge, so we wanted to create a sortable checklist to help focus our efforts in trying to observe as many species as possible.

發佈由 trav_kurtz 3 個月 前

I just looked over the list for the first time and great job to whomever have contributed thus far.

發佈由 sammoer4 3 個月 前


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