期刊歸檔用於 2021年1月


The January 2021 Update

We are ramping up our project with welcome emails and such, but want to make a couple of special call-outs.

First, we are very excited and grateful to Phyllis Ma for allowing us to use her fungi artwork for our icon (-- that's a Green-Wood blewit, Lepista nuda!) and project banner. Phyllis is also a active project member. You can check out more of her amazing artwork here:

Second, I want to alert everyone to a new species to North America found in Green-Wood. Sigrid Jacob, co-lead of this project, just published an alert and related details of her exciting find to our new Google Group "Green-Wood Fungi Phenology Project". Join the Google Group now and get notifications on all the latest fungi news and resources focusing on Green-Wood Cemetery fungi.

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