Illinois Botanists Big Year 2018的日誌

期刊歸檔用於 2018年6月


Link to Help Identify

It's gonna be a busy fall and early winter trying to get all these observations identified! Right now there are 8165 observations classified as Needs ID for 2018 for the Illinois Botanists Big Year.

When you're not busy adding observations, help out by clicking the link above and adding identifications or confirming if you can. (Only add or agree with identifications that you are personally relatively confident about IDing, don't just click agree.)

Current Illinois Botanists Big Year Stats:
13,576 observations
949 species
887 observers
418 identifiers

happy botanizing!

由使用者 bouteloua bouteloua2018年06月12日 12:20 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論


Close to 1000 Species

We're getting close, as a group, to documenting 1000 species in Illinois this year. What's on your hitlist? :)

由使用者 bouteloua bouteloua2018年06月17日 15:01 所貼文 | 1 評論 | 留下評論


Illinois Botanists Big Year Update 6/24/2018

Below are links to what we as a group have found in 2018 so far compared to what has been documented on iNaturalist before 2018. The lists in the links below will update automatically as people continue adding observations throughout the year, but I thought it would be interesting to do some quick run-downs now that we're over halfway through 2018 (how the?!). iNaturalist's compare tool limits us to check 500 taxa at a time, so these are broken into several chunks.

Current Illinois Botanists Big Year Stats: (help identify)
15,642 observations
1,037 species
957 observers
471 identifiers

Non-flowering plants
Someone needs to take the Sagawau Canyon tour. ;) We also need to step up our moss game, check out a comparison to what MN, WI, and MI have found so far this year. Great job so far to @sedge, @vvoelker, @skrentnyjeff, and @ewarden on documenting and/or helping ID several new mosses for iNat in Illinois.

Purple-stem cliffbrake, Pellaea atropurpurea by @sanguinaria33

Monocots excluding Poales
Whoops, looks like I forgot to take a photo of Pogonia while at a boggy spot recently...

Poales (grasses, sedges, rushes, & friends)
Most of these are just coming into fruit now. These will also always be a bit harder to get IDed to research grade because so many photos, and good ones, are often needed for IDers to work their way through a dichotomous key. Several additions to Illinois on iNat so far include Carex crawei, C. canescens, C. pedunculata, C. siccata.

Plants in Asterales (sunflower family and friends)
Tons of these are mid summer to fall flowerers, so makes sense.

Plants in Fabales (pea family and friends)
One new addition is Gleditsia aquatica; @psweet and @missgreen observed the same individual on different days!

Plants in Lamiales (mint family and friends)
Apparently possibly the first documentation of a species in North America was found this year in someone's front yard - Veronica montana, wood speedwell..but perhaps it was planted? Hopefully @hollykatz can get back to @albach and @alisonnorthup with more information. :)

Plants in Rosales (rose family and friends)
No one has seen ditch weed (Cannabis sativa) yet? :)

Plants in Brassicales (mustard family and friends)
Addition of a couple Rorippas by @jrebman and @sedge.

Plants in Ranunculales (buttercup family and friends) 

Bird-in-a-bush, Corydalis solida, not a bird or a bush, by @aseeger

Plants in Caryophyllales (pink family and friends) 

All other (eu)dicots except the groups above
Quite a few new documentations, check em out.

See what species you haven't observed yet in Illinois with the following link. Just change it from my username (bouteloua) to yours:


Pinging* members of this group + everyone who has made 20 or more plant observations in Illinois in 2018! You can follow the Illinois Botanists Big Year 2018 project by clicking "Follow" in the top right corner of our project page and read more about the ILBBY on the Illinois Native Plant Society website. *Please send me a message if you would prefer that I do not notify you of these types of posts.

@agd @akstone @andrea14 @andrewstpaul @annechw @aparm7 @arbor167 @aseeger @ashleywold @awesome_man17 @benthehen @bertrand_leclercq @biogirl_93 @bird_freak @birdboy @botanydude80 @brad_a @brendandcarson @bwsteward @cajaques90 @cardnoclare @carolt-80 @casteense @casteensk @casteensp @casteensq @casteensr @casteenst @charles18 @chasrued @chris544 @chriskozlak @conniecowan @coreyjlange @crnewton29 @cschuette817 @cvittore @d_coulter @dan58 @dbild @dducharme @deansy @deyton @dmckinney074 @dsuarez @dylanfaughn @eattaway92 @ecl @elaine3 @elfaulkner @elliotgreiner @emartell @eriko @evan8 @ewarden @fgijsman @freyfam @genesiscastillotorres @gjan @glencoeschoolteam-9 @gowillia @greenspace @gregwahl @gunnerbean86 @hcapone2 @hollykatz @irmela @isaac_krone @isaaclarkin @j-schlesinger @jackassgardener @jacobandros98 @janetwright @jenhugstrees @jenniferalvarez @jerr17 @jetteth @jhowell @jkmiller @jlotarsk @jmb62 @jmmcclo @johnhboldt @josh-farnum @josh156 @jpruiett @jrebman @juliebags @k3outdoors @kae91 @kahokian @kalinas @kelvin9 @kennedy9094 @kjannusch @kkucera @kmencel @knightericm @kristenmanion @kronforst @kylie1719 @lauraderks @laurenu @lbrentner @leahk7 @lesliejeanie @lflack @lhesselmeyer @lindemanzachary @lindsaygriggs @linze @lupines67 @marie25 @marshmaiden @matt167 @mazettlemoyer2 @me4e @megansneyd @meghancruz @michael_morin @michaelszuter @missgreen @mjadams @mjedloe @mmelczer @mmp207 @mn2010 @monika1993 @morganabel @mrdoctorprofessormarc @musgrave @mvandevord @myzmur @nathanglamb @neaturephyter @nikki60626 @njcz @njk @nweickert @observer26 @outdoorsie @partspermillion @patmatt @paulefields @paulroots @peterkim @pitmaster @plant_punk @psweet @puzzlemasta @randomrover88 @randyshonkwiler @regnar @rehazen @rensweiler @rgraveolens @rheinrichs @rin_nd @sabrinarabin2018 @sam_stuber @sanguinaria33 @sarahwells @sdmoreno @sedge @shanin @sheilasv @sjoyce @skrentnyjeff @slucci @smatelski @spaz4 @stellananos @stephasaurus @steve-1aes @stormdaze @sunshineboudreaux @suzbot @swalquist @taco2000 @taran09 @tararat @tavaras @the_fabulous_frogs @timidlittleturtle @torianb @torino3759 @tworiversnwr @tysonjenkins @umbricht @unkleloopy @victor65 @victoria2123 @vvoelker @w5rir @whimbrelbirder @whv123 @wildernessbarbie @woodridgejeff @xalopez19 @yes123 @zeet @zoology123

由使用者 bouteloua bouteloua2018年06月24日 22:14 所貼文 | 1 評論 | 留下評論