Mass Audubon's Neighborhood Naturalist Online的日誌

期刊歸檔用於 2020年4月


Signing up in iNaturalist

To use iNaturalist, you will need to register for an account through your smartphone, tablet, or web browser.

Create an account using a smartphone or tablet

Download the iNaturalist app from the iTunes app store or Google play store

The first time you open the app, you can see a quick tutorial

At the end of the tutorial, you can choose to sign in (if you already have an account), or you need to select "Sign up now!"

Provide email, username, and password and click "Sign up"

Share with us your username. We will add your name to the "Mass Audubon's Neighborhood Naturalist Online" iNaturalist project.

Create an account using a web browser

Use a web browser to navigate to
Click on the "Sign up" link in the very top right of the web page or the link in the center brightly colored rectangle

Provide email, username, password, confirm that you are not a robot, give the proper permission (the first one is required), and click "Create an Account"

Share with us your username. We will add your name to the "Mass Audubon's Neighborhood Naturalist Online" iNaturalist project.

由使用者 fsut fsut2020年04月26日 21:08 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論


iNaturalist useful resources

Please email your user name. Also, make sure to join the “Mass Audubon’s Neighborhood Naturalist Online” project from your smartphone, tablet, or desktop.

Useful links and videos


I prefer to uncheck “automatic upload” so that I do not use my data in the field (sometimes the upload process takes a long time freezing iNaturalist). This also gives me the opportunity to edit the observation before I post it. To correct the setting, go to the gear wheel in the top right corner (iPhone) or in the settings under the three horizontal lines on the top left corner (Android).

When entering an observation in iNaturalist, in the “What did you see” section, I always write something even if I do not know the organism. I use at least the group (taxa) of the organism (i.e., insect). If I want to research the species at home on a guide, I enter a name description reminder for myself to change before I upload the observation.

When I am taking pictures with a digital camera I always make an observation in iNaturalist without a photo. The observation records location and time/date information and makes the submission process faster. Also, I name the observation with a title that makes it easier to reconnect the camera image to the observation when I am ready to upload.

When taking photos of small plant parts or tiny organisms, I use my hand as the background so that the phone focuses on the right spot.

For trees or shrubs, I try to have pics of leaves, bark, twigs, and full tree. If there are flowers I add them too.

由使用者 fsut fsut2020年04月29日 21:03 所貼文 | 1 評論 | 留下評論


Neighborhood Naturalist Online at Home

Complete 2-3 separate outdoor sessions during the week. Choose an area that you can observe safely and comfortably and remain in for several minutes. Visit the same area at different times of day, in different weather conditions, looking from a different viewpoint, etc.

Observation format – work through each stage intentionally until it becomes routine for you. Spend at least 60 seconds on each question or directive. Keep notes in a field journal. It is not required to complete all the steps as outlined below but please be intentional about noticing and wondering.

Once in your observation location -

What do I notice?
What do I wonder?
What am I reminded of?

Focused observation

Choose something within your observation area to sketch and describe.

What did you learn about your choice while sketching and describing?
What questions came up while observing?


Were you surprised by something you observed or your responses? Did anything unexpected happen?

What ideas did you have before your observation? Were these ideas supported?
What questions do you have?

Science, Observation and iNaturalist Assignment

Upload at least 3 observations to your iNaturalist account

Complete at least 3 journal entries in the Mass Audubon's Neighborhood Naturalist Online project. These entries can be from your observations and reflections in the field or about your experience using iNaturalist.

Read and comment on 2-3 entries from other participants

If you are unable or choose not to join iNaturalist, keep a field journal to record your observations with sketches and/or descriptions and written entries. Be sure to include location, date and time, and general weather conditions.

由使用者 fsut fsut2020年04月30日 00:59 所貼文 | 4 評論 | 留下評論

Science and Observation notes

What is Science?

From the Latin "scientia," meaning knowledge
Science is the systematic and organized inquiry into the natural world and its phenomena to gain a deeper and more useful understanding of the world.
Science is done through observation of natural phenomena, and/or through experimentation that attempts to simulate natural processes under controlled conditions.
Science is not absolute eternal truth - it provides theories that are usually not provable only disprovable.

Scientific Process

Observe and ask questions
Create a hypothesis
Make predictions

Test predictions and gather data by observational study, field or controlled experiment.
Analyze and interpret data
Draw conclusions; starting point for new hypothesis

Retest; generally done by others


Observation is instinctive. 
We constantly take in information and assess the world around us.
Is it safe to cross the road?
Are the cookies done enough to take out of the oven? 
Observation involves the acquisition of information through senses and/or instruments
Observation involves perception and attention – you are the easiest person to fool
Observation can involve recording of data

Qualitative data - absence or presence, descriptive
It is so hot you could fry an egg on the sidewalk.
Quantitative data – measured numerical values  
It is 110°F at 1:00pm on July 10, 2020.

由使用者 fsut fsut2020年04月30日 01:04 所貼文 | 1 評論 | 留下評論