Happy Canada Day mushroom enthusiasts!
June was a great month, as far as June's go, for fungi. Highlights:
- Achieved 20 research grade species on another atlas square, and over 10 research grade species on two more atlas squares.
- To date for 2022 we have added 397 mushroom observations to iNaturalist, in comparison to 242 at this time last year.
- Two observations of Mitrula lunulatospora were added by @dkmcrae and @donmclelland . First recorded observations for the province! When observing Mitrula species be sure to document the height of the largest ones and what they are growing on.
- Two of the known dune species are fruiting and have found a Coprinus mushroom (Inky Caps) growing on the dunes, still trying to identify to species.
- Chaterelles are up!
Anyone that owns a good sized woodlot in an Atlas square with limited observations and is willing to let folks wander around looking, please let me know. You can view the atlas squares on our website.