Natural Areas near Saint Michael's College的日誌

期刊歸檔用於 2019年5月


Natural Area trail improvements

Hi folks

We recently cleared the fallen box elder from the SMC trail near the Woodside end of the property. Part of the fallen tree was placed in the herd path that had formed around the obstacle to encourage use of the main trail.

A pile of wood chips was placed near the entrance and a few buckets. Feel free to load up a bucket or two with wood chips and dump them on a soggy part of the trail or on any trail location where foot traffic is wearing down to bare soil.

Our goal is to find a balance between enough traffic to keep the trail open without brush hogging, and not so much traffic as to cause erosion. We hope to do additional trail work over summer and particularly to clear the heavy tree trunk that fell closer to the cornfield.

Happy iNaturalizing


由使用者 declanmccabe declanmccabe2019年05月18日 01:24 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論
