Why Rabbitbrush?

First, thanks to Joshua for starting this project. I hope we will get lots of participation this year.

I think this is a great plant to appreciate for many reasons. Widespread, prolific bloomer, and smells nice (opinions vary).

Some animal highlights are ...

Diptera: On gallformers.org, 24 species are listed for Ericameria and 7 for Chrysothamnus. Almost any Syrphid fly will visit for nectar.

Lepidoptera: Chamisa is one of the best places to hunt for Noctuidae on summer and fall evenings. The specialist moth, Schinia unimacula, is found all over the western US (http://mothphotographersgroup.msstate.edu/species.php?hodges=11188).

Hymenoptera: I have seen a variety of wasps hunting and nectaring, especially Braconids like Lytopylus. Bees adore it, including 93 pollen specialist species (https://jarrodfowler.com/pollen_specialist.html) and potentially hundreds of generalists and other Asteraceae specialists.

Coleoptera: Beetles love flowers too, especially Checkered Melon beetles and Soldier beetles.

由使用者 egordon88 egordon882022年02月17日 01:15 所貼文


Nice summary of the rabbitbrush visitors! I'll definitely be looking out for the rabbitbrush moth this year, hopefully it comes out in the day sometimes too.

發佈由 joshuacde 約 2 年 前


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