期刊歸檔用於 2021年5月


April 23 - north side

Uploaded the newts at the time but forgot to make a journal post!

Fri 23 April, 6:25-7:45am
38 dead newts, no juveniles or live newts

Weather: 44f rising to 51f start to finish. Still dry.
Traffic: 9 parked, 28 moving vehicles, 1 bicycle, 2 joggers
Other roadkill: 1 tree frog, 1 alligator lizard, 1 large millipede

My newts for the day: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations?on=2021-04-23&place_id=any&subview=map&taxon_id=27816&user_id=sea-kangaroo&verifiable=any

由使用者 sea-kangaroo sea-kangaroo2021年05月05日 07:08 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論


May 6, 2021 - North side

May 6, 2021 (Thursday), 2:20-3:40pm

4 dead newts (0 juveniles), no live newts.
Other roadkill: 2 butterflies (likely Variable Checkerspots), 1 fence lizard, 1 gray squirrel

Weather: Warm, upper 70s, clear, dry dry dry.

Traffic: 64 moving vehicles, 9 parked, 1 quarry truck, 10 bicycles, 0 pedestrians

Most of the cars today were seen around 3:15-3:30, some of them I directly saw go into the rowing club, many of the rest I surmise also did, since car after car contained one adult and one child going toward the club, and one adult going away from it.

I saw one of those cars hit a native male gray squirrel, who spasmed on the road for a minute until they died. It was horrible.

Lots of wildflowers, including yellow Calochortus, and the elderberries are full on.

由使用者 newtpatrol newtpatrol2021年05月06日 23:26 所貼文 | 2 評論 | 留下評論


Thursday 05/06/2021 - south section

Thursday 9:05-11:30 am: we had 2 dead newts, no live newt!
I walked with Robin!
Weather - nice. Last rain - who knows?
I documented 2 dead newts. Maybe because they just repaved parts of the road? it was very sticky.
Other roadkills: crickets and Jerusalem crickets, honey bee. We saw a live Yellow-spotted Millipede crossing the road, and an Aligator lizard basking on the white line. We thought it was ok, but it didn't move at all, and when we tried to moved it out of the road we noticed it was injured. It didn't move well, and one eye didn;t look good.
Coverage: from Aldercroft Heights Rd to the first stop sign.
Traffic: the road paving was still on: 2 trucks, 16 cars, 1 bike, 4 pedestrians, and 10 cars parked by the road.
My observations of the day - https://www.inaturalist.org/observations?nelat=37.21607209902539&nelng=-121.76660281025318&on=2021-05-06&place_id=any&swlat=37.14084727345579&swlng=-122.16520052753833&user_id=merav&verifiable=any

由使用者 merav merav2021年05月11日 21:45 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論


Tuesday 05/011/2021 - south section

Tuesday 9:05-11:30 am: we had 2 dead newts again, no live newt!
I walked with Robin.
Weather - nice, then warm.
I documented 1 dead newt, and Robin documented one.
Other roadkills: a night snake! so tiny - I've never seen one. also crickets, honey bees, moths, centipedes (after a long time I haven't seen any). We saw a few live and dead cicadas on the road, and could hear them all around us.
Coverage: from Aldercroft Heights Rd to the first stop sign.
Traffic: we didn't see the road repaving crew or their trucks, but parts of the roads weren't paved yet. Traffic: 2 trucks, 23 cars (including Midpen), 1 motorcycle, 9 bikes, 1 pedestrian, and 8 cars parked by the road.
My observations of the day - https://www.inaturalist.org/observations?on=2021-05-11&place_id=any&user_id=merav&verifiable=any

由使用者 merav merav2021年05月12日 05:23 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論

May 11, 2021 - North side

May 11, 2021 (Tuesday), 2:35-3:55pm

1 dead newt (0 juveniles), no live newts.
Other roadkill: 2 butterflies (likely Variable Checkerspots), 1 lizard

Weather: On the hot side, around 90F, totally dry.

Traffic: 63 moving vehicles, 16 parked, 3 bicycles, 4 pedestrians, 0 quarry trucks

Once again, lots of traffic related to the rowing club around 3:30.

Lots of flowers blooming, including even more yellow Calochortus in one scattered spot.

This is my last day to patrol, I'm done for the season. Big hugs to everyone who participated this year!

由使用者 newtpatrol newtpatrol2021年05月12日 14:13 所貼文 | 3 評論 | 留下評論


Thursday 5/20/2021 - north section

Thursday 9:00-11:30 am: 4 dead newts, no live newt!
Weather - Cold
I documented a total of 4 new dead newts, all very dry. I was surprised to see them.

Other roadkills: dipterans, centipede, walking stick. bee.
Coverage: from the parking lot to the second stop sign.
Traffic: 11 trucks, 27 cars, 2 motorcycles, 11 bikes, 15 pedestrians, and 34 cars parked by the road and in the parking lots (3 cars at the far lot). 3 of the cars were PG&E, parked at the far lot, and a Midpen pickup.
2 friendly guys asked me how the newts were doing. One of them told me he went hiking a week ago at Butano state park and saw many newts there!
A link to all my newt observations of the day - https://www.inaturalist.org/observations?on=2021-05-20&place_id=any&user_id=merav&verifiable=any

由使用者 merav merav2021年05月21日 05:10 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論


Tuesday 5/26/2021 - north section

Tuesday 9:00-12:00 pm: 4 dead newts, no live newt!
Weather - nice
I walked with Keith. We documented a total of 4 new dead newts, all very dry.
Other roadkills: a fence lizard, bees, beetle, scorpion, cricket and harvestman together (it was probably eating the cricket).
Coverage: from the parking lot to the second stop sign.
Traffic: 12 trucks, 33 cars, 8 motorcycles, 7 bikes, 7 pedestrians, and 21 cars parked by the road and in the parking lots (2 cars at the far lot). We saw a county parks pickup driving, then we saw it parked by the Midpen proposed lot. Also saw a roads and transportation pickup.
We saw some cool butterflies and 2 very large woodpeckers, probably Pileated Woodpeckers.
A link to all my newt observations of the day - https://www.inaturalist.org/observations?on=2021-05-26&place_id=any&user_id=merav&verifiable=any

由使用者 merav merav2021年05月28日 04:56 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論