期刊歸檔用於 2019年9月



Stats were created from the data of the TK project. The full species list is here.

• Plantae 209
• Insecta 124
• Fungi 85
• Arachnida 22
• Aves 26
• Mammalia 8
• Mollusca 7
• Animalia 7
• Amphibia 2
• Reptilia 2
• Protozoa 1

Plants On The Red List That Are Found On The Property
Nationally Critical
Veronica adamsii, endemic, single plant
Hibiscus diversifolius (Puarangi), endemic, a few plants

Nationally Vunerable
Drosera pygmaea (Pygmy sundew), native, seasonal

At Risk / Declining
Kunzea linearis (Rawiri) , endemic, locally common
Leptosperumu scoparium (Manuka) , endemic, locally common

At Risk / Naturally Uncommon
Caladenia alata, native, seasonal

由使用者 tangatawhenua tangatawhenua2019年09月02日 02:48 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論


Quadrants Sorted

Working in quadrants means that it is easier to keep track of what is where. These have been worked out by easy access points.

Not all areas have actually been explored as some are too thick to get through, so who knows what goodies are here :)

Just realised Q17 has some nasty invasive tree in the middle and I don't know what it is as haven't been in there, but seeing as the Neighbourhood project is starting on Sat for a week, I will hold off exploring until then - have to help Tai Tokerau do well :D

由使用者 tangatawhenua tangatawhenua2019年09月12日 00:06 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論
