RRHS Rock Plant Club 2022-2023 Competition的日誌

期刊歸檔用於 2022年10月


3 a Week: Are you up?

Hey naturalists!

I hope plant club has been fun so far! This is your unofficial club guardian angel speaking. I'm here to propose a new challenge. Or is it a challenge? It's actually quite easy.
What if you were to make three observations a week?

Not plants. Any organism. It doesn't matter whether it's a plant, or a mushroom, or a bug you found in your sink. Just find 3 things to take a photo of, and then put them on iNat. Simple.

Note that when I mean organisms, I mean wild organisms. So not some rose bush in a garden or your pet guinea pig (though I like guinea pigs <3). But it's probably just as easy to take photos of three wild organisms around you, so really not a problem.

The goal here is to just get you to look a little closer around you, search a bit more to see things you wouldn't normally see. Because sometimes it's those little things that bring happiness to us ;) Enjoy making those three observations.

3 observations a week. More if you want. But three is the baseline. Can you do it?

由使用者 arnanthescout arnanthescout2022年10月15日 00:26 所貼文 | 1 評論 | 留下評論
