Observation of the Week Oct 29-Nov 4

This weeks observation of the week was this Brown Thrasher by @jtmartin54
It looks like it was just posing for the photo.


由使用者 wildlife13 wildlife132023年11月05日 15:14 所貼文


Wow, that is a great image!

發佈由 norm_shea 10 個月 前

Thank you! The first shot just goes to show that the watcher is always being watched lol.

發佈由 jtmartin54 10 個月 前

Love it! Great shot.

發佈由 abiggs2 10 個月 前
發佈由 sc_beetles 8 個月 前

@sc_beetles Nice! Thanks for all the contributions you have made!

發佈由 wildlife13 8 個月 前


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