Wildflowers of Bays Mountain Park的日誌

期刊歸檔用於 2023年9月


Fall is Upon Us

Hey all!
One of my favorite seasons is getting close: Fall! My other favorite seasons are spring, summer and winter.

In addition to the trees changing colors, fall is also a great time to see interesting wildflowers blooming in the park. We normally associate "wildflowers" with "spring" but there are many beautiful and fascinating species that are in their prime in this later season. One showy example is cardinal flower. Those bright red blossoms are especially attractive to hummingbirds fueling up for their long migration south. As a matter of fact, the flowers are mostly pollinated by hummingbirds. As the hummer sips nectar, pollen is deposited on its head which can then pollinate the next flower to get a visit.

Another species that blooms in early fall is nodding ladies tresses. This orchid can be very common in the correct habitat. Here in the park it grows best in full sun in the wet edges of the lake. It also grows well on the dead trees that have into the water. Orchids, in general, are adapted to harsher environments where they can outcompete many other plant species. The dead and rotting trees provide space in the sun, acidic conditions for the roots and plenty of water.

Fall is an often overlooked season for wildflowers here at Bays Mountain. While most of the park is forested and most forest flowers bloom in spring, there are plenty of exceptions. The park also offers some unique habitats, like the lakeshore, where the different growing conditions bring a variety of interesting wildflowers to the park.

Come enjoy the beautiful weather and wildlife!

Ranger Bob

由使用者 rangerbob13 rangerbob132023年09月14日 16:47 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論
