Taxonomic Swap 129877 (提交於 2023-09-01)

The genus Prosopis has been broken up into several genera based on robust molecular and morphological evidence. The genera Prosopis, Anonychium, Xerocladia, Neltuma, Indopiptadenia, and Strombocarpa are all distinguishable by fruit and spine characters. Prosopis is now a purely African / Middle Eastern genus and new world species have been moved to Neltuma and Strombocarpa. See the full paper here:

Hughes, C. E., Ringelberg, J. J., Lewis, G. P., & Catalano, S. A. (2022).  Disintegration of the genus Prosopis L.(Leguminosae, Caesalpinioideae, mimosoid clade). PhytoKeys, 205, 147.

See discussion here:

kevinfaccenda 於 2023年09月01日 21:53 所新增 | 由 kevinfaccenda 於 2023年09月01日 所提交


發佈由 tonyrebelo 11 個月 前

Oh boy! Another taxon swap to learn!

發佈由 observerjosh 11 個月 前

It looks like 3 varieties of N. glandulosa (eastern, western, and prostrate).

Per that paper, Neltuma are "Plants armed with axillary, uninodal, solitary or paired spines or spinescent" (p 161) and refer to Figure 2 (p 151) and Figure 3 (p 152).

發佈由 observerjosh 11 個月 前


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