Taxonomic Swap 139499 (提交於 2024-03-06)

Molluscabase (引用)
kitty12 於 2024年02月19日 02:37 所新增 | 由 thomaseverest 於 2024年03月06日 所提交


Will Astarte be split into Astartidae? At least in North America from North Carolina to Nova Scotia?
I don't know much about this split or the status of the genus.
Right now, A. castanea has the most observations of any Astarte, and there may be a lot of unintended ancestor disagreements if this change goes through without any split of Genus-level IDs.

發佈由 amr_mn 2 個月 前

Nevermind, I see this has been addressed in part in the Curation Flag:

發佈由 amr_mn 2 個月 前


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