Taxonomic Swap 93818 (提交於 2021-09-11)

The valid spelling is y-inversa.

Original description, Limacodes y-inversa: Packard, A. S., 1864. Synopsis of the Bombycidae of the United States. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Philadelphia. 3: 341.

Moth Photographers Group (, BugGuide, and the Pohl et al. 2016 checklist have used an -um spelling, but it appears to be incorrect.

未知 | 2021 N. Am. Lepidoptera suffixes
treichard 於 2021年06月20日 22:17 所新增 | 由 treichard 於 2021年09月11日 所提交


Don't commit this change. I'm checking with the MPG/BG folks first.

發佈由 treichard 超過 3 年 前

Spelling confirmed as y-inversa. MPG has been updated, BG to follow.

發佈由 treichard 約 3 年 前


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