Taxonomic Swap 98799 (提交於 2021-09-24)

vitalfranz 於 2021年09月24日 10:49 所新增 | 由 vitalfranz 於 2021年09月24日 所提交


The name majalis is a noun in apposition; thus it should not agree in gender with the generic name (ICZN, Art. 31)


發佈由 vitalfranz 約 3 年 前

Given that Razoumovsky's original description says "On a trouvé cet Insecte en quantité près de Lausanne cette année vers la fin de Mai & le commencement de Juin", doesn't it seem more likely that he meant this as an adjective referring to the month of May? Why would he have meant it as a noun meaning "castrated pig"?!

Just wondering!

發佈由 alec_mcclay 約 3 年 前

@vitalfranz - please change this back to Amphimallon majale ASAP! My understanding is the same as @alec_mcclay above - "majale" refers to the month of May and is NOT a noun in apposition. The common name for this and similar species often refer to the month of May as well - May Chafer, May Beetle, etc.

發佈由 abtsmith 約 3 年 前

After almost two weeks with no response it is time to correct this premature and potentially disruptive change in spelling. Amphimallon majale should be the correct spelling based on the neuter gender of the genus and the original description (see comments above about name derivation) and to reflect the consensus in recent catalogues and taxonomic work - e.g.:
Löbl, I. & Löbl, D. (Eds.) (2016) Catalogue of Palaearctic Coleoptera. Vol. 3. Scarabaeoidea—Scirtoidea—Dascilloidea—Buprestoidea—Byrrhoidea. Revised and Updated Edition. Brill, Leiden, 983 pp.

I think a much more compelling justification is required to revert to the "majalis" spelling.

發佈由 abtsmith 大約 3 年 前


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