Taxonomic Swap 41860 (提交於 2018-11-02)

Anagallis arvensis has been moved to the Taxon ‘Lysimachia arvensis’ to conform with Plants Of The World Online;
This has been discussed for a number of weeks without any objection to the move.

Plants of the World Online (引用)
w_martin 於 2018年11月02日 21:41 所新增 | 由 w_martin 於 2018年11月02日 所提交


This taxonomic swap shouldn't change the common names anywhere. Can we get the regional common names for Lysimachia arvensis harmonized with what they were for Anagallis arvensis?

發佈由 chris_nelson 大約 6 年 前

All the common names are present. iNat is still in the process of the Taxon Swap maybe check back when it’s finished the task.

發佈由 w_martin 大約 6 年 前


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