Taxonomic Swap 47514 (提交於 2021-07-29)

Plants of the World Online (引用) | 2_2019 Asparagaceae update
loarie 於 2019年02月12日 00:27 所新增 | 由 loarie 於 2021年07月29日 所提交


These are currently regarded as quite distinct (but similar and related) species in southern Africa. Differences are the pattern of cladodes, the size of the branches and the colour of the fruit.
The genus is under review, and I will find out what the latest on these two species is.

發佈由 tonyrebelo 超過 4 年 前

From: John & Sandie Burrows
Sent: 19 April 2020 12:00
Subject: Re: Asparagus plumosus

Hi Tony,
We are currently following FSA & IPNI and regarding A. plumosus as a synonym of A. setaceus.
Best wishes

Sink it ...

((I see most of our iNat plumosus are coastal, with setaceus more inland))

發佈由 tonyrebelo 超過 4 年 前


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