期刊歸檔用於 2024年1月


27/01/2023, London pond wildlife in late January

Today I went alongside a friend to a pond in a park in London. It was about 8/9 degrees Celsius today, warmer then the last few days. It was fairly sunny today, a bit cloudy in the morning but the clouds cleared up later on in the day. We spent about two hours at the park, taking samples of pond water and photographing whatever got caught. Surprisingly, despite it being winter, we caught a nice selection of various invertebrates. Quite a few waterlice, aquatic amphipods, backswimmers and a water boatman. Caught glimpse of what seemed to be a newt in the water but it quickly moved away before I could catch it. There were quite a few mayfly nymphs in the water aswell and I'll definitely return to this pond in spring/summer to see if I can catch a few adults and identify them.

由使用者 bird423esd bird423esd2024年01月27日 19:40 所貼文 | 3 個觀察記錄 | 0 評論 | 留下評論
