期刊歸檔用於 2024年2月


Forbidden hiking trails in a french forest (again ...)

Dear all,

like @mercantour wrote in a former post (on January 13th 2024, in French): https://www.inaturalist.org/journal/mercantour

another hiking trail, in the Vosges range, has been recently forbidden by the new owner.
He implements a french law from 2023, whose core was to eliminate barriers around private forests so to allow the free roaming of wild animals. Not to forbid hiking trails existing since decades ...
The village concerned in the Vosges forest (Rimbach-près-Masevaux), has created an NGO and a petition gathering signatures.

If you agree, it would be great if you could help. Please find the links here:

  1. national NGO registering & publishing all forbidden areas: https://droitnatureca.org/
  2. Petition for the Vosges forest: https://chng.it/h9CrZmqDVR

Do not hesitate to transfer it to your friends & acquaintances.
Thanks so much for your help!
Best regards, Chimù

@mercantour @jacqu0 @crapfou @ahmedm @tkoffel @jasonrgrant @kai_schablewski @horticultix @murielbendel @bluecelery @epsilon @cortusa @gianluca_maissen @fabienterrade @curcu34 @kelian_gtr @lefebvremax @janmar @danielcahen @tmaximo @brothernorbert @bottin @fabienpiednoir @samuel_guiraudou @marceau_c @alexis_orion @katrin_simon @zorille @dbastia @petitcrabe @pierrenoel @pastabaum @nabu_nvp @thierrycordenos @thierry05 @louisclouet @guillaume_delaitre @alexis_buc @jean_pierre75 @xavier07_ @guillaume93 @dominiquemauss @kr_greinwald @aurelie_g @en57 @tylototriton @cryptomys @delphinealice @segolene-buzy @florian29

由使用者 chimu chimu2024年02月16日 14:24 所貼文 | 35 評論 | 留下評論
