期刊歸檔用於 2021年3月


Cryptomarasmius corbariensis hunt 2021 aka #CryptoHunt2021

We need your help documenting this rarely observed mushroom that you've already documented the host tree in iNaturalist (Olive trees)

Cryptomarasmius corbariensis (the Olive Leaf Crypto) is rarely documented likely because its small and ephemeral, but it is suspected to be in every county in California and as of now has only been documented from a handful. Right now is the time to look for them. They are popping this week and will likely start to fade as the temperatures warm and moisture goes away.

How to help:
Find your local olive tree, dig in the leaves until you either hit moisture or dirt, sort the leaves for black filaments (rhizomorphs), then look for tiny mushrooms, photograph and upload to iNaturalist. A lot of counties to cover to get an observation in all 58 of CA's counties, but it’s easy since olive trees tend to be where people live.

Video of finding them. You an also find them under Olive trees with much dries surroundings as long as their is a place for leaves to pile up.

What they look like up close:

What they look like up close:

A little expectation setting for how small they are:

Example of the rhizomorphs (black threads):


Observers of Olive Trees in Counties with no observations of Crytpomarasmius:

由使用者 damontighe damontighe2021年03月11日 22:38 所貼文 | 11 評論 | 留下評論