期刊歸檔用於 2024年5月


May 22, 2024 Biodiversity Day

A pair of cardinals on the lawn beside the Pricefield Road playground.

Several European Common Blue butterflies feeding on yellow flowers blooming on the north side of the lane to the north of Mathersfield Drive.

An Eastern Tiger Swallowtail in the trees behind the Roxborough Parkette where I also saw four grosbeaks and a red tailed hawk.

Milkweed growing alongside the Park Drive Reservation Trail.

A dragonfly flying high over my head along the Rosedale Valley Road.

Milkweed in the community garden opposite 130 Rosedale Valley Road.

Milkweed growing

由使用者 drew_baxter drew_baxter2024年05月22日 21:04 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論


Thursday May 30, 2024 First Full Day at Point Pelee National Park

Clear skies but fresh air and a breeze from the north, so walking on the Centennial Trail was very comfortable. High temperature was 20C.

I walked from 992 Point Pelee Drive to Marsh Trail, around the trail and back: 10.5 km (14,000 steps).

At Northwest Beach, an Eastern Giant Swallowtail and two, possibly 3, Eastern Tiger Swallowtails at the south end. Also, a Red Admiral. At the north end, an Eastern Tiger Swallowtails and a Hobomok Skipper. Northwest Beach is at the south end of the lakeshore savannah.

At Marsh Trail, an Azure feeding on the flower of a white clover. Also a damselfly on the boardwalk. Turtles and two swans.

At the loop at the head of the Centennial Trail near the Park entrance, an Anglewing.

Along Point Pelee Drive on the trip back, an Eastern Tiger Swallowtail.

Lots of damselflies and marsh flies along the portion of the Centennial Trail in the shaded woodland. Also, some small common eastern bumble bees.

Lots of robins, red-winged blackbirds and starlings. Also, eastern prickly pear cactus and hoary puccoon.

由使用者 drew_baxter drew_baxter2024年05月30日 17:29 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論