期刊歸檔用於 2020年1月


a day at Yuen Long park14.12.2019

Yuen Long park is located at the northwest of Hong Kong. There are many trees and grassland. These habitats are good for birds, especially thrushes. Common blackbird is the most common thrush in the park. 30 birds can be seen for a day. Another common thrushes are grey backed thrush and Japanese thrush. Up to 10 birds can be seen for a day. When I was walking along the grassland, a white's thrush appeared for a sudden! It is an uncommon winter visitor at Hong Kong and first time for me to meet it. Away from thrush, 20 of yellow billed gosbeak flew over trees. daurain red starts and oriental magpie robin played together. A good day!

由使用者 flycatcherwarblerthrush flycatcherwarblerthrush2020年01月25日 06:21 所貼文 | 4 個觀察記錄 | 0 評論 | 留下評論


a day at Telford garden 30.10.2019

Telford garden is just a shopping center and private housing estate of Hong Kong. However, some flowerbeds become a paradise of migrants! Why? I think it is because the flowerbeds grow a lot of worms and flies. These are food for birds. Some grasshopper warblers are difficult to observe in the wild.They hide at the bottom part of grassland. People can only hear the sound. However, they are very easy to observe. When you look down the plants, you can see some warblers. These are grasshopper warblers. Most of them are pallas grasshopper warblers as they are the most common grasshopper warbler of Hong Kong. Another grasshopper warbler is lanceolated warbler. This spice is more rare than pallas. Three warblers and one lesser shortwing were observe together. A black browed warbler was hide in the bamboo. We need to preserve Telford and let it be a paradise of migrant forever.

由使用者 flycatcherwarblerthrush flycatcherwarblerthrush2020年01月26日 02:31 所貼文 | 4 個觀察記錄 | 0 評論 | 留下評論


a day at Shek Kong 28/1/2020

Shek Kong is a good place for watching farm birds and water birds. The road is easy to walk and the air is clean. During Jan, people go to SK and find common rosefinch. Common rosefinch is scarce in HK but common in SK. Just I arrived at Kam Sheung Road MTR station, a Eurasian hoopoe was walking through the river. It is uncommon in HK. Then, I walked to SK and found rosefinch. During the trip, I got some blackbirds and Asian brown flycatchers. Creasted drongos and white shouldered starlings were also seen. There were total five finches. Four were male and one was female.

由使用者 flycatcherwarblerthrush flycatcherwarblerthrush2020年01月30日 09:39 所貼文 | 5 個觀察記錄 | 0 評論 | 留下評論
