期刊歸檔用於 2020年2月


a day with common pochard (Nam Sang Wai 30-1-2020)

Nam Sang Wai was located at Yuen Long, a beautiful wetland in Hong Kong. Common pochard is an endangered bird. Every winter, pochard come to Nam Sang Wai. It is easy to observe with tufted duck outside the river. I could also saw black faced spoonbill, an endangered bird. pochard like diving. Some photoghaphers take pictures with us. There are 5 spices of duck in NSW. Pochard is the most rare and beautiful one. Hope NSW can be well maintenance and we can see pochard every year!

由使用者 flycatcherwarblerthrush flycatcherwarblerthrush2020年02月05日 04:43 所貼文 | 2 個觀察記錄 | 0 評論 | 留下評論


Yuen Long Park15/2/2020

A very special day! Yuen Long Park is full of thrushes and today not only grey backed, Japanese or blackbird! An eye browed thrushes appeared, which was a scarce winter visitor and my first time to meet it. How wonderful! It jumped at the slope and found some worms. Another good birds are Chinese grosbeak and white shouldered starling. They are common winter visitor in HK but uncommon at urban area. More and more new thrushes were found in YL park in recent years. We need to go more YL park and discover more.

由使用者 flycatcherwarblerthrush flycatcherwarblerthrush2020年02月16日 05:21 所貼文 | 3 個觀察記錄 | 0 評論 | 留下評論


MPNR---------Great wetland 23/2/2020

Mai Po the most important wetland of HK. Many ducks, gulls, sandpipers visit MP every year. I was lucky to met 7 falcated ducks today. They are uncommon and declining. There 1 male and 6 female. There at the Gei Wai16/17. Another good bird is chinese grey shrike, which was the first record of HK. Intermediate egret was also seen at the 16/17 Gei Wai. A beautiful male garganey and a female was another uncommon record. In the mudflat, over 1000 black headed gull and over 50 Heuglin's gull was seen. A beautiful common kingfisher appeared for a short time.

由使用者 flycatcherwarblerthrush flycatcherwarblerthrush2020年02月25日 09:46 所貼文 | 6 個觀察記錄 | 0 評論 | 留下評論
