期刊歸檔用於 2017年1月


Naturaleza Chiapeña

Mary Kay and I spent 10 days in Chiapas from Jan 8 - 17. It was a combination birding and cultural trip. Because we were traveling some distances daily and combining several interests, it was quite impossible to adequately document the breadth of tropical diversity to which we were exposed. Any one of our half dozen major destinations would be worthy of a week-long BioBlitz with an iNat effort, but we had to “settle”. Our destinations included, in chronological order, Palenque, Bonampak, Yaxchilan (on the Usumacinta River by boat), Rio Lacantun/Rio Tzendales (again by boat), Lagos de Montebello, and San Cristobal de Las Casas (including the Moxviquil and Huitepec Reserves).

As a result, I came home with “only” about 1000 images which I’m rapidly sorting through now. As always, birds and butterflies were tough subjects to capture with my point-and-hope camera, thus plants (with flowers) and relatively sedentary critters were the more common focus.

I’ll be adding some thumbnails of the more interesting images/species below. Keep checking back for more uploads.

由使用者 gcwarbler gcwarbler2017年01月21日 23:42 所貼文 | 11 個觀察記錄 | 1 評論 | 留下評論