期刊歸檔用於 2024年3月


Lake Creek Dam Herps of Texas report, 23Mar2024

Due to construction at Berry Springs Park and Preserve, there was a small group outing to Lake Creek Dam this month.
Four amphibian species were observed in the creek and nearby dry limestone block wall: Rio Grande Leopard Frog (CI = 1), Gulf Coast Toad (CI = 0), Rio Grande Chirping Frog (CI = 1), and Blanchard's Cricket Frog (CI = 3). A Texas Spiny Lizard was also seen in a crack in the wall, and a Plain-bellied Watersnake (formerly known as a Blotched Watersnake) was also seen in the creek just below the dam. The Rio Grande Chirping Frog only chirped twice and trilled once at the wall - we couldn't find it and we didn't get a recording. No photo was obtained for the Texas Spiny Lizard, either.
According to the USGS gauge station at UBC Dam 8 near Austin, TX (https://waterdata.usgs.gov/monitoring-location/302814097444799/#parameterCode=00045&period=P30D&showMedian=true), there had been 1.42 inches of rain in the last 15 days.
The monitoring period was 19:45 - 21:00.
Participants were Kathy and Carolyn.
Environmental conditions at the dam at sunset:
Air temperature = 68.0 deg F
Water temperature = 68.9 deg F
Sky = mostly cloudy
Water level = average
Relative humidity = 46 %

由使用者 k_mccormack k_mccormack2024年03月27日 02:14 所貼文 | 4 個觀察記錄 | 0 評論 | 留下評論