期刊歸檔用於 2016年10月


Berry Springs Preserve Herps of Texas report, 15Oct2016

Sixteen people came out to enjoy the beautiful fall evening and find out whether the 0.13 inches of rain the day before was appreciated by the frogs and toads at Berry Springs. We were rewarded with four species at the main ponds: Rio Grande Leopard Frog (Call Index = 1), American Bullfrog (CI = 1), Gulf Coast Toad (CI = 0), and Blanchard's Cricket Frog (CI = 1). With help from Marek and Kevin, our mighty young frog and toad catchers, we were able to obtain photos of Rio Grande Leopard Frog and Gulf Coast Toad, but we weren't able to obtain photos or recordings of American Bullfrog or Blanchard's Cricket Frog.
We also saw a Viceroy on the flowering vine at the fishing deck (thanks for the ID, Bill !), four Yellow-crowned Night Herons, and two Diamondback Watersnakes, and we heard a Barred Owl after sunset along with bats overhead on our detectors. A gorgeous full moon lighted up the ponds and our walk back to the parking lot. The pump next to the main pond was still flowing under artesian pressure.
The monitoring period was 18:30 - 20:00.
Participants were Kathy, Larry & Marek, Bill, Nikki & Kevin, Charles, Christine, Hunter & Tonja, Mike & Amy, Martin & Steve, Jim (welcome !), and Heike.
Environmental Conditions at the main pond at sunset:

  • Air temperature = 80.8 deg F
  • Water temperature = 77.0 deg F
  • Sky = No or few clouds
  • Water level = average
  • Relative humidity at sunset = 47 %
由使用者 k_mccormack k_mccormack2016年10月16日 15:13 所貼文 | 5 個觀察記錄 | 0 評論 | 留下評論