Helpful Identification Guides

Updated: June, 2021

* Acanthocephalus: Spine-Headed/Leaf-footed Bugs Zootaxa article
*Agalinis: Identifying Agalinis spp. (False Foxgloves) in Texas @pfau_tarleton
* Anemones: Guide to ID @pfau_tarleton
* Assassin Bugs ( Zelus spp.) @pfau_tarleton
* Broomrape Species @blue_celery
* Broomweed: Amphiachyris dracunculoides and look-alikes @rymcdaniel
* Brambles: Dewberries and Blackberries ( Rubus species of Texas) @kimberlietx
* Bumblebees @pfau_tarletonr
* Crotons @nathantaylor
* Dandelions @nathantaylor
* Draba and related genera @pfau_tarleton
* Elms: American vs. Slippery @lisa281
* Elms: Cedar vs. Winged @lisa281
* Elms: Chinese vs. Siberian @lisa281
* Elm spring samaras: American, Slippery, and Winged Elm @lisa281
* Erigeron (Fleabane and Horseweed) @lisa281
* Frogfruits (Phyla) @lisa281
* Galls: Texas Woolly Oak Galls @kimberlietx
* Gallformers (Website for Gall ID) @megachile
* Hawks - Cooper's vs Sharp-shinned Cornell
* Leaves: Glossary of Leaves @kimberlietx
* Medicago (Medicks) @nathantaylor
* Mosses: Identifying Goblet Mosses @rmedina
* Moths: Guide to Petrophila Moths in Texas @gcwarbler
* Moth Wing Features @mamestraconfigurata
* MULBERRY: Red vs. White Purdue
* Mushrooms: Simplified Key to Major Groups of Mushrooms Michael Kuo @ MushroomExpert.Com
* Mushrooms: Photographing for better ID Billy Stone, BRIT
* Packera and Senecio (Groundsels) @lisa281
* Privets ( Ligustrum spp.) @lisa281
* Sesbania (Riverhemps) @lisa281
* Soapberry vs. Pistache @baldeagle
* Solidago (Goldenrods) @bouteloua
* Spurges of the DFW area @nathantaylor
* Sumac (Rhus spp.) YouTube video @conboy
* Sumacs: Key to ID the Rhus spp of North America @conboy
* Swallowtail Butterflies: The Four Dark Swallowtails Blog: Louisiana Naturalist
* Tetrigidae Pygmy Grasshoppers @aispinsects
* Thistles: Identifying Texas Thistles Katie Stern at Perennial Ecology
* Three-Banded LeafhoppersErythroneura spp. @kimberlietx
* Tick Identification TickEncounter Resource Center
* Trees: Identify sometimes difficult trees (and other tree ID info.) @lanechaffin
* Trees: First Steps in Tree ID (You Tube Video) @lisa281
*Triodanis spp. Venus's Looking Glass @kimberlietx
* Turkey Tail and Lookalikes @sarahduhon
由使用者 lisa281 lisa2812020年02月26日 12:25 所貼文


Great resource Lisa! Bookmarking this for sure. I can add a couple more, too.
Illustrated glossary of leaves:
Three banded Leafhoppers/Erythroneura spp et al:

發佈由 kimberlietx 約 4 年 前

Thanks, Kimberlie! I've added those links.

發佈由 lisa281 約 4 年 前

thanks lisa281 is there a way I can link/set a pointer to your article so I can retrieve this information from my favorites?

發佈由 ronstephens 約 4 年 前

These are terrific!! Thanks for providing these resources.

發佈由 txstack 約 4 年 前

@ronstephens Here's the way I'd do it, with the qualifier that my HTML skills are VERY limited:

Basic format: < a href="[link]">[text]< /a> [minus those extra spaces] So, the HTML would look like this, except I've added a space after each "< " to keep it from actually working:

< a href="">A Collection of Helpful Identification Guides< /a>

If you copy and paste the above, then remove the spaces after each " < " it should render a clickable link like this:

A Collection of Helpful Identification Guides

But an even simpler way is to just copy and paste the link from the top of this page into your own journal post, then describe it however you want. Or just bookmark it in your browser.

發佈由 lisa281 約 4 年 前

lisa281 got it thanks

發佈由 ronstephens 約 4 年 前

Wow! Thanks for sharing this!

發佈由 connlindajo 約 4 年 前

Thanks you, Lisa, this is helpful!

發佈由 alisonnorthup 約 4 年 前

Very nice & all in one place! Thank you Lisa!

發佈由 postoak 約 4 年 前

This is the best thing ever!

發佈由 amzapp 約 4 年 前

Yes. Yes, yes, yes, yes. This. This is so great! :) Bookmarked, big time!

發佈由 sambiology 約 4 年 前

Yes.... We love those great iNat folks that share their info and guides!

發佈由 connlindajo 約 4 年 前

@beschwar Thought you might be interested in this, too.

發佈由 kimberlietx 約 4 年 前

Yes! Thanks!

發佈由 beschwar 約 4 年 前

Oh wow! Thanks for all of this work!

發佈由 oceanicwilderness 約 4 年 前

@gnat79 - here's a list of resources you might find useful.

發佈由 beschwar 約 4 年 前

Honored to be mentioned here! What a great list and idea. I have bookmarked and will be visiting often. Hoping to make a more inclusive and informational sumac guide soon, as I've learned much more since I created that video. I'll keep you updated :)

發佈由 conboy 約 4 年 前

thanks @conboy - I'll be looking forward it!

發佈由 lisa281 約 4 年 前

This really is a great resource. Keep up the good work!

發佈由 nathantaylor 大約 4 年 前

Wow! This is great! Thanks for all the wonderful info!

發佈由 artemis224 大約 4 年 前

Love this! Thanks! Here is a great tool from Chuck Sexton:
Artificial Key to Cisthene Moths of Texas - The Key

發佈由 lovebirder 大約 4 年 前

Does anyone know of a post or website about Texas Oak trees? Looking for info on tricks to tell the species apart, not just red/white/live.

發佈由 kimberlietx 超過 3 年 前

These are the two that I use the most:
*SFASU DendrologyDetailed information on dozens of trees, plus many helpful resources for trees
Virginia Tech DendrologyAnother helpful tree resource

The Texas A&M site is also good and very user friendly:

發佈由 lisa281 超過 3 年 前

FYI: The "Identify these sometimes difficult trees" journal post link no longer works. It's been moved from its original location to a new website:

The link is from @lanechaffin 's profile page.
There's also some useful info on the Texas Fraxinus species as well.

發佈由 arnanthescout 大約 3 年 前

Thanks, @arnanthescout! I fixed the link.

發佈由 lisa281 大約 3 年 前

Hi @lisa281 !

@rymcdaniel 's created an amazing guide to the Callirhoe Poppymallows "A short guide to Callirhoe in Texas" at to help people better identify these commonly confused species. Would be a good idea to add that one to this list.

發佈由 arnanthescout 超過 2 年 前

Also maybe add the Triodanis Quick Tips at
While @kimberlietx hasn't created a full key yet, I think it'll come in handy when it turns spring again ;)

發佈由 arnanthescout 超過 2 年 前

@nomolosx has a great list of resources for hopper ID (auchenorrhyncha excluding cicadas) on his profile page.

發佈由 caththalictroides 超過 2 年 前

I would like to swap mine on here with another one of my journal posts, please. I would advise against trying to follow the information in that post, even though they are straight from the Nearctic keys...

發佈由 aispinsects 約 2 年 前

Identification of Milkweeds in Texas (PDF, from TPWD)

發佈由 txwoofus 超過 1 年 前


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