期刊歸檔用於 2017年10月


Banded Shorebirds on Tony Amos Beach 2017-09-30

I made a quick trip down to Port Aransas last weekend to attend Tony Amos' memorial Saturday night. I spent that morning birding the 7.3 mile stretch of beach between Access Road 1 and Access Road 2, which he surveyed every other day for decades.

Here's my complete eBird checklist.

I'm thinking about creating an iNaturalist Project for banded shorebirds in Port Aransas (maybe for a wider area) so amateur birders like me can log them in a place banders and other scientists can easily access.

Each banded bird has "banded" as a tag on the observation, and a code representing what kinds of bands it has in the comments. (This code was described to me by David Newstead.)

Piping Plover

I accidentally discovered that the single banded Black-bellied Plover observation is the same bird that @greglasley found in almost the exact same spot in November 2015! Here's my observation:

And here's Greg's:

由使用者 mikaelb mikaelb2017年10月03日 00:06 所貼文 | 27 個觀察記錄 | 9 評論 | 留下評論


Fort Davis 2017-07

I was very fortunate to be able to spend July 8-16, 2017 with fellow birders and naturalists Cecilia Riley and Mike Gray in Fort Davis, Texas. Here's a short account of each day. See attached observations.

Saturday July 8

I left Austin at about 8:45 AM and arrived at Cecilia and Mike's at about 5 PM. I took Highway 29 out of Austin to Mason, and then took 190. There was very little traffic and lots and lots of high fences and mesquite trees on both sides of the road. At a picnic area east of Iraan I found some Gray Fox tracks.

Sunday July 9

Morning: Looked for kit foxes on 166 west of Fort Davis. eBirded Crow's Nest Ranch.
Evening: Watched hummingbirds in Madge Lindsey's yard.

Monday July 10

Morning: Birded James King's property adjacent to TNC preserve and Lawrence Wood picnic area.
Evening: Road cruising with Lee Hoy.

Tuesday July 11

Light day. Slept in after road cruising. Birded Limpia Creek next to neighborhood entrance, Painted Tree area, and McDonald Observatory. Looked for Painted Damsels but things were just too dry.

Wednesday July 12

Spent time in Davis Mountains State Park. Birded Seep Trail with Cecilia, then hiked long loop up to peak by myself. In the late afternoon birded the two bird blinds in the park and drove up Skyline Drive.

Thursday July 13

Great day. Mike drove me down to Caroline Ohl's Christmas Mountains Oasis just north of Big Bend national park. Then drove "river road" between Terlingua and Presidio. Then up to Marfa where we met Cecilia and her sister for dinner.

Friday July 14 and Saturday July 15

TNC Davis Mountains Preserve. Partially rained out.

More photos are on Flickr here.

由使用者 mikaelb mikaelb2017年10月10日 00:40 所貼文 | 126 個觀察記錄 | 0 評論 | 留下評論