期刊歸檔用於 2020年4月


Nalle Bunny Run Virtual Tour 2020-04-18

On Saturday April 18, 2020 I met a couple Hill Country Conservancy staff members at their Nalle Bunny Run wildlife preserve for the second virtual tour. (The first tour has not yet been edited or posted anywhere besides as ephemeral "stories" on Instagram.) I hope to update this post and my previous post when these videos are edited and online.

It was a fun morning! We spent about 3 hours covering just 1.25 miles of trail on the preserve. When I first arrived I was excited to find a few patches of Antelope Horns milkweed, and one of them had two Monarch butterfly caterpillars on it!

Antelope Horns Milkweed with Monarch Caterpillars - 1 - 3

Antelope Horns Milkweed with Monarch Caterpillars - 1 - 5

Throughout the morning we got to hear several bird songs and calls that we recorded little segments about.

It was remarkable to find two different White-tailed Deer antler sheds. One was pretty fresh and the other was old. The old one showed lots of gnaw marks from rodents supplementing their diet with minerals from the old antler:

White-tailed Deer Antler with chew marks

We left both antlers where we found them for future gnawings!

We ended the walk locating a Catalpa tree that I first found when it was just 4 feet tall back in 2013. Now it's 15 feet tall and it was covered in white flowers!

Catalpa Tree - 1 - 1

Catalpa Tree - 1 - 3

We found 24 species of birds on this morning. Here's my complete eBird list.

Here are a few more photos on Flickr.

Attached are the same photos as iNat observations.

And here's a video summary of the walk that HCC posted on Instagram.

Update 4/28/2020

HCC posted the edited video on YouTube. I'm embedding it here:

由使用者 mikaelb mikaelb2020年04月20日 22:32 所貼文 | 9 個觀察記錄 | 0 評論 | 留下評論