期刊歸檔用於 2024年10月


Nature Walk - Fungi 9/29/24

I walked around the reservoir, then continued to walk through brookline. It was like 7am so it was pretty chilly, the temperature was 55 degrees. The sky was very cloudy and gray but nevertheless, it was beautiful day. Around the res, I saw a lot of trees, many of them with lichens. I took some picture of these, but not of every one I came across because they all look similar and it seemed redundant. Something that can be noted as a difference is the difference in color. Some lichen were white, others were very green, and some in between. I am not sure what this means: if they are different types of lichen or the same species in different stages of development. That was pretty much al I saw around the res but as I continued walking by brookline, I came across more interesting sights. For example, a white/brown loofah-looking thing caught my attention, so I took a picture of it hoping it was a fungi. Effectively so, inaturalist preliminarily ID’d it as a grifola, also known as hen-of-the-woods. Later on, I came across two mushrooms. I am guessing they are different species just by looking at the shape of the top (one is round and the other is flat) but I’m waiting on a better ID to be sure. From what we learned in class, I’m guessing that some of these mushrooms have have grown from fecal material (probably from dogs) since mushrooms are decomposers. We haven’t really talked about about fungi in class but we have talked about microbes being decomposers and there was a diagram were the microbial category overlapped to the fungi category indicating that some fungi are microbes.

由使用者 perezden perezden2024年10月03日 14:21 所貼文 | 7 個觀察記錄 | 0 評論 | 留下評論


3rd Nature Walk - Plants 10/18/24

As I walked around, looking for the 4 different types of plants we learned in class. I could only find Polypodiopsida, gymnosperms, and angiosperms. As abundant as I thought mosses would be in a tropical habitat, I couldn’t find them. The weather was nice, the temperature was about 80 degrees but because of the windy/cloudy weather it felt more like 70 degrees Despite it being cloudy, it was still a beautiful day. The first three plants I took pictures of were definitely angiosperms since they had flowers. The third flower, I actually took a picture of to settle a debate with my brother. We were both confident that it was a specific flower. I was saying poppy, he was saying shoeblackplant, but it turns out neither of us was right (according to inaturalist). However they are from the same family of Malvaceae. The next picture is of a grass, which I thought would be either polypodiopsida or gymnosperms, because it doesn’t have a visible flowerm, but turns out it is angiosperm. I took various pictures of the three-seeded mercuries and fanflowers because I noticed various sprouting. The three-seeded mercuries had some fuzzy stems while the fanflower had various colors of round, encapsulated flowers. It made me think of what stage of development they were in and whether they were in sporophyte or gametophyte stage. As both of these are angiosperms, I would expect the dominant stage to be the sporophyte but since both of these stages (the fuzzy stem and the round flower) is not what we usually see in these plants then I’m guessing that maybe that is what their gametophyte looks like. Finally, I saw some ferns, which classify under polypodiopsida. I looked under the leaves to see if I could see the soris but there were none, indicating that they were not in reproduction season. ,

由使用者 perezden perezden2024年10月18日 15:30 所貼文 | 14 個觀察記錄 | 0 評論 | 留下評論
