iNaturalist Video

Just wanted to share a video I made for iNat to help get folks interested in iNat and the upcoming National Parks BioBlitz. @danielled83 is in it and look for a cameo from @robberfly! Some footage in the "grid" section was shot by Winn Brewer of Nat Geo.

Observe Nature with iNaturalist from iNaturalist on Vimeo.

由使用者 tiwane tiwane2016年03月02日 06:47 所貼文


Great job!

發佈由 torres-grant 超過 8 年 前

Agreed -- I really enjoyed that. I wish there were more iNat vids -- they're so effective to our 'video addicted society.' :)

發佈由 sambiology 超過 8 年 前

Thanks guys! I'm working on another video about how to make an observation. Probably will be a little more dry than this one. Maybe an interview or two with iNat folks would be cool too...

發佈由 tiwane 超過 8 年 前

Awesome -- let the community know when you have these up! :) Great work!

發佈由 sambiology 超過 8 年 前

Great video!

發佈由 acollins 超過 8 年 前

Nice job, Mr. Tony and even better @danielled83. I'll be waiting for my Screen Actor's Guild date rate check in the mail....

發佈由 robberfly 大約 8 年 前

Thanks Liam!

發佈由 tiwane 大約 8 年 前

We should've ago been pushing this video at the height of the Pokemon Go craze! In fact, now would be a great time, too. I've been reading that PG interest has already peaked. iNat could be promoted as the antidote for the post-Pokeman Go Blues! Why search for imaginary creatures when there are so much diversity in the real world? How about "The truth is sometimes stranger than fiction" and show images of strange, but real living things juxtaposed next to cartoon characters?

發佈由 torres-grant 大約 8 年 前


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