期刊歸檔用於 2018年5月


Canadian "Unknown" Observations

I have just finished going through all the "Unknown" observations for Canada:

When I started there were over 90 pages. There are quite a few I reviewed and skipped because I had no idea what to do for them (9 pages, if someone else is able to go through them that would be awesome), but other than those they are all done. I know other people go through the unknowns as well so I'm not sure how much was my doing... Also currently more are added at a rate of 1-2 pages per day, so if it continues to be ignored they will build up again pretty soon.

The vast majority of the observations were plants, also lots of fungi, lichen, and miscellaneous marine seaweed/algae/goop stuff.
There were quite a few where multiple species were put in one observation, and some where one individual was spread over multiple observations. An uncommon but weird thing is where a person opts of of community IDs, but doesn't add an ID themselves so the observation is stuck as "Unknown" forever.

There were also quite a few observations in 2016 for water bodies. Some examples:
I'm not really sure what to do for these. I marked some of them "Plants" for trees and grass in the background, but there aren't plants visible in every photo so I think that was a mistake. "No evidence of organism" isn't exactly true either though...

Anyway I thought it would be good to get this out there. There are still thousands of unknowns for the rest of the world to work through... http://inaturalist.ca/observations/identify?place_id=any&without_taxon_id=48460

由使用者 upupa-epops upupa-epops2018年05月19日 19:09 所貼文 | 1 評論 | 留下評論


Random Toxomerus Stuff

Index to Toxomerus Species Diagrams

List of species that have abdomen diagrams or images available


Hull 1943: https://archive.org/stream/entomolog232419431944broo#page/n9/mode/2up
Thompson 1981: https://repository.si.edu/handle/10088/21160

For resolving synonyms:

See bottom of page here for more resources: https://www.inaturalist.org/journal/upupa-epops/14985-identifying-toxomerus-hoverflies

Please let me know if you find any errors or any species not on this list!

由使用者 upupa-epops upupa-epops2018年05月27日 20:59 所貼文 | 5 評論 | 留下評論