Matthew Lindsey 策展人

加入於:2022 11 月 11 最近活躍:2024 7 月 26 iNaturalist

I am a homeschooled Christian and hobbyist macro photographer, most interested in the diverse order Araneae (spiders), although I am fond of other Arthropoda (arthropods) as well.

Feel free to message or "@" me anytime. If it has been at least 24 hours and I still have not responded to a message or "@", please notify me again - it just means I missed it. I am on this platform every day, so I can usually respond to notifications relatively quickly.

Aside from spiders in the eastern United States, I generally don't have much experience with species-level spider identifications, so please don't be disappointed if I can't help out. I can, however, provide identifications usually to family or subfamily, hopefully as well getting the attention of spider identifiers who specialize in certain families or certain places. I am most experienced with spiders in Ohio (USA), the Mygalomorphae, Palpimanoidea, and a few other less-appreciated groups. But of course remember that I will sometimes make mistakes with these groups.

For those interested, my camera gear consists of the Canon EOS 2000D (Rebel T7) camera, EF-S 18-55mm IS II lens (kit lens), the Shoot Autofocus 14-65mm macro extension tube, and a cheap flash and homemade diffuser. Most of my recent photographs are focus-stacked using Focus Stacking Online.

My photographs are published under the CC-BY license so that organizations like Wikipedia and GBIF are free to use them. For that reason, I try to include photographs of as many different species and positions as possible. You as well are free to use my photographs, but like the organizations previously mentioned, you must credit me as the photographer, since I am the one who spent time, money, and effort to photograph all of the organisms in my posts. It would also be greatly appreciated if you inform me of photo-usage, although it isn't mandatory. I can also be found on Flickr, where I publish mostly my better and favorite photographs under the same license.

The spider in my profile photograph is Oxyopes aglossus, a rather uncommonly observed species that I find to be extremely common in my backyard. You can view that specific observation here.

"Wherever there is faith as slender as one strand of the spider's web, there the fullness of redeeming grace is active." ~ John Murray
