Be part of the conversation: Virtual Environmental and Clean Energy Reception with Vice President Joe Biden

I'm not much of one for posting this kind of thing, but if you want to do more than just admire what you see, if you want to preserve it, to create a world where your children and grandchildren can enjoy the same world you do today, the choice for Americans in this fall's election is really clear. With Trumps' ongoing rollbacks of environmental protection, and Sanders having suspended his campaign and endorsed Biden, there is really one sane choice left for who will be the next President.

On Earth Day, April 22, Joe Biden is holding a Virtual Environmental and Clean Energy Reception. This event is a group video call, and at least some participants will get to interact with Joe Biden to explain their concerns. If you are able, and you care, donate now.

由使用者 dsacer dsacer2020年04月14日 00:16 所貼文




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