Big Basin reopening and fire history

With the upcoming reopening of Big Basin State Park on a limited basis, put together a trail map and fire history map mash-up to make it easier to understand

Fire map from Fig. 1 in Fuel load, stand structure, and understory species composition following prescribed fire in an old-growth coast redwood (Sequoia sempervirens) forest by David Cowman & Will Russell

Trails cropped from the Big Basin July 22, 2022 interim trail access map

Please note that access to most of the park requires a reservation. Details on how to obtain one and on current open/closed status can be found here

由使用者 dsacer dsacer2022年07月05日 22:10 所貼文


Thanks for the info.

發佈由 dpom 約 2 年 前

You're welcome. Feel free to share with anybody else who might be likely to visit Big Basin as it reopens.

發佈由 dsacer 約 2 年 前

This looks very helpful. Thanks!

發佈由 jmaughn 約 2 年 前


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