Blacklighting at LLELA - Saturday, May 15th, 7 pm until late!

Hey all,

Lots of great observations for the CNC, and I know so many folks really went all out! Wonderful stuff. Instead of resting, why not get lots of more observations?!? :)

I know @pfau_tarleton has a gathering planned for the weekend of May 15th, but for those of us that aren't able to make it, we'll do an evening of black-lighting at LLELA. It'll be interesting to see some of the overlapping species that we document in both locations.

If you'd like to come, meet at the greenhouse at LLELA close to the Jones St. entrance at around 7 pm. Here is the exact map location:
33°03'43.7"N 96°59'20.3"W
33.062126, -96.988968'43.7%22N+96%C2%B059'20.3%22W/@33.0621305,-96.9911567,927m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m13!1m6!3m5!1s0x0:0x9d531440da7e0b1c!2sLLELA+Nature+Preserve!8m2!3d33.06209!4d-96.97958!3m5!1s0x0:0x0!7e2!8m2!3d33.062126!4d-96.9889677

I'll wear a mask when close to others -- especially at the sheets. So, if you wouldn't mind, please have a mask handy as you get close to others. We'll hopefully have quite a few stations, so there will be places to spread out.

In the past, we've had some really good mothing in this location, so fingers crossed for some reasonable weather!

I'm always leaving folks off of the tag list, so please, tag others!

由使用者 sambiology sambiology2021年05月07日 22:10 所貼文


Thanks for the invite - sounds like fun ! Shannon and I will be there, Sam.

發佈由 rehb 約 3 年 前

@sambiology Thanks, Sam! I'll try to be there. :-)

發佈由 kathrynwells333 約 3 年 前

That's my birthday; I'll be out at Purtis Creek State Park with the family.

發佈由 williampaulwhite17 約 3 年 前

Ooo sounds fun!

發佈由 katelyn3 約 3 年 前

We will be there! Bringing @eivester @isaaceastland. Devin is at an internship at UC Berkeley;)

發佈由 baxter-slye 約 3 年 前

I'll see you there!

發佈由 haleydaniels 約 3 年 前

With Timberlake cancelled I'm planning to be at LLELA instead. Do you want me to bring a station?

發佈由 annikaml 約 3 年 前

Conditions should be pretty nice on Saturday night! We will have access to electricity at the greenhouse -- I'll bring my 6 blacklight stations with portable batteries. You're welcome to bring any stations or equipment, but no obligations! :)

發佈由 sambiology 約 3 年 前

What sort of blacklight station do you use? I'm going to be in Big Bend for a spell this summer and kind of want to try blacklighting around the rental property for scorpions and doing some nighttime bug looking

發佈由 williampaulwhite17 約 3 年 前

I have an Amazon list you can check out. Some of the items can be downgraded to less expensive parts. Thanks to WildCarrot for providing suggestions. At home, I just attach a sheet to my porch swing frame.
In the field, the sheet can be hung via rope, or the stand.

發佈由 baxter-slye 約 3 年 前

@damontighe has a magnificent set up that I've used a bunch:
Fits in the backpack for long hikes too!

發佈由 sambiology 約 3 年 前

I love the t-shirts!!

發佈由 baxter-slye 約 3 年 前

@williampaulwhite17 Check out BioQuip's website, too. They have excellent UV-lights.

發佈由 annikaml 約 3 年 前

Those bioquip products look neat but are a bit rich for my blood. Thanks though! I'll do a DIY with a black light and white shirt.

發佈由 williampaulwhite17 約 3 年 前

I’m adding @gwaithir plus two guests and @kaitlynn7.

發佈由 baxter-slye 約 3 年 前

Wonderfully fun with everyone this evening! Quite a few bugs showed up too! It'll be a while before we can all upload our stuff, but here's where it will be -- take a look:

發佈由 sambiology 約 3 年 前

It was fun as usual to meet familiar and new faces while looking for moths and other little bugs. Luckily it will be raining the next couple of days so I will have more time to go through my pictures. Thanks to Sam and LLELA for organizing this.

發佈由 annikaml 約 3 年 前

Just FYI -- a bioblitz at Timberlake in mid June:

發佈由 sambiology 大約 3 年 前


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