Budawang Coast AGM 29Nov 2022 4.30-6.30pm

Budawang Coast Atlas of Life AGM
Tuesday 29 November 2022 4.30-6.30pm, Ulladulla Civic Centre, Lower Auditorium

We would love to see you for what should be an informative and interactive meeting. Lucy Loft is speaking about Green & Golden Bell Frog Citizen Science Project and Lorraine Oliver will speak about DPE's initiatives in our area since the bushfires.
To attend book on https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/budawang-coast-atlas-of-life-agm-2022-tickets-443914780057

If you would like to become a member of BCAL, email for a membership form or join at the AGM.
If you wish to nominate yourself or someone else for the committee email by Wednesday 16 November.

Nominations are sought for: Chair, Deputy Chair, Treasurer, Secretary, 3 Committee Members with the election at the AGM. We welcome your nominations with new perspectives on a range of topics. Involvement in the running of the organisation is interesting and informative without being time consuming. It provides opportunities to expand your horizons and indulge your interests in environmental issues.

To self-nominate or nominate a candidate for a Committee position, include the following:
• Position nominated for
• Full name of person nominated
• Contact details for yourself or nominee - email address and mobile number
• A few lines about nominee and their interests
• Confirmation nominee consents to being proposed as a candidate
All correspondence: budawangcoast@gmail.com

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