'South Coast Islands NSW' a new book, EOI or pre-order now

For years Helen Moody and Mike Jefferis led walks and kayak trips to, past or around 61 islands on South Coast NSW. Now they have written the first ever book on the islands. The book is more than a travel guide, it tells of First Nations connections, arrival of settlers, geology, flora, lighthouses, birdlife, lighthouses, shipwrecks and more. This book should be of interest to residents, bushwalkers, kayakers, historians and visitors.
About to be self-published and self-marketed, it's partially funded by donations and grants. All profits from sales will go to environmental projects. Your help is needed to determine size of print run. Send expressions of interest (EOI) to southcoastislandsbook@gmail.com - there is absolutely no obligation to pay in advance if you prefer to wait until the book is available at the end of May.
You can collect your order at the launch event or at an easily accessible Ulladulla pick-up point. Launch event is either Saturday 20 or 27 May, with more details to come.
Book cost:

  • $50 if paid by direct deposit into bank – Account name: Helen Moody; 112-879 123497192
    (Ensure you indicate your name on the payment and also email southcoastislandsbook@gmail.com direct or via the bank transaction so that we can record your payment)

  • $50 if paid by cash on collection
  • $51 if paid by credit or debit card on collection at launch event or local pick-up
  • $50 + $13.50 postage (postage covers 1 or 2 books)

See our Facebook page for photo of book and more details https://www.facebook.com/BudawangCoastAL/posts/pfbid02CftHau6gVdCDXWT787Kv6jC8SeAKY4thhbCqR5pQ9WDicLs33fLfFTn1sjEHtkyul?notif_id=1677925233498566&notif_t=feedback_reaction_generic&ref=notif

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