iNat and Big Data - An Interview with 2016's Top Observer

As of today, Jonathan "JC" Carpenter (@reallifeecology) has posted 15,743 observations to iNaturalist in 2016, making him our top individual observer for the year! (@sambiology and @finatic are strong second and third place finishers, with 9,454 and 8,676 observations, respectively)

JC has spent much of the year traveling around the country and participating in bioblitzes with his family. He stopped by our office in San Francisco (on a typically overcast day) earlier this month, where we had a chance to chat. In this post I've included a video of him sharing his thoughts on iNaturalist at the importance of citizen science and big data, and tomorrow I'll post a video of his experiences with bioblitzes.

2016 has been a big year for iNat. Over 1.5 million verifiable observations have been uploaded by over 55,000 users, we were featured on NPR, and we served as the platform for the National Park Services Centennial Bioblitzes, among many other highlights. Thanks for making this such a a vibrant community, and happy 2017!

由使用者 tiwane tiwane2016年12月31日 20:56 所貼文


Great stuff! And I for one really enjoyed living vicariously through @reallifeecology 's adventures to all of the National Parks. Good year indeed.

iNat has changed quite a bit this year too -- the identify tool, new observations screen, new photo uploader... Lots of major improvements (some of which I'm still exploring and getting used to!).

Also, @tiwane should be praised big time as well -- the social media presence, the updated videos, and observation of the day/week have been MAJOR wins for iNaturalist this year.

Looking forward to what iNat has in store for 2017 as well. Keep up the powerful work, iNat!

發佈由 sambiology 大約 8 年 前

Thanks Sam!

發佈由 tiwane 大約 8 年 前

15,743 observations to iNaturalist in a year..

發佈由 optilete 大約 4 年 前


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